Public Lectures

30 Years Agenda 21 | Agenda Symposium – Urban Democracy, Plural Society & Participation for All with Keynote by Sabine Knierbein
Presentation at the INUAS conference series “Urban Transformations: Housing | Resources | Public Spaces” in Winterthur (CH) by Sabine Knierbein
IBA Vienna | „Senior-Cohousing“ using the example of Kolokation: Project Presentation & Summer Party. Discussion with Angelika Gabauer 
Presentation on “Childhood, Youth and Older Adults in Public Space and Urban Planning” as part of the Linking Ages Salon with Sabine Knierbein, Angelika Gabauer and Korinna Lindinger

DieRaum22-Course Excursion to Belgrad. Participation in the BINA Belgrade, Exhibition on The Good Urban Life, specific workshop on “Caring Forms of Curating: Making the Gallery a Public Space and Public Space a Gallery”, in cooperation with students and colleagues of the University of Belgrade.

Architekturtage 2022 Vienna: “Bildungsweg Karlsplatz” – Sabine Knierbein discusses the social space Karlsplatz
Panel discussion “Current Issues in Spatial and Urban Planning” at Planerforum.Architektur 2022 with Sabine Knierbein. 
Book Presentation “Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies“, Minerva Lab, CaSaDi Network and AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures dialogue, online with Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein and Kim Trogal.
Panel discusion _„Wieи wollen wir leben – Wohnen und leben“ with Sabine Knierbein at „FLEXraum – Seminarräume & Veranstaltungssaal Wohnprojekt Wien”
25|04|2022 Book Presentation “Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies” at Georg Simmel Zentrum für Metropolenforschung der Humboldt Universität in Berlin (with Angelika Gabauer, Nir Cohen, Tihomir Viderman and Henrik Lebuhn). 
Book Presentation “Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies” in Pro qm thematische Buchhandlung Berlin (with Angelika Gabauer, Tihomir Viderman, Sabine Knierbein, Henrik Lebuhn und Nir Cohen). 
Preview Tonspur On Site: Streamers – a Covid Sculpture. Interactive Speaker Sculpture in the Shape of a Pestsäule. By Benoît Maubrey. With Sabine Knierbein.