Public Lectures
06|10|2022 |
30 Years Agenda 21 | Agenda Symposium – Urban Democracy, Plural Society & Participation for All with Keynote by Sabine Knierbein
07|09|2022 |
Presentation at the INUAS conference series “Urban Transformations: Housing | Resources | Public Spaces” in Winterthur (CH) by Sabine Knierbein
03|09|2022 |
IBA Vienna | „Senior-Cohousing“ using the example of Kolokation: Project Presentation & Summer Party. Discussion with Angelika Gabauer
22|06|2022 |
Presentation on “Childhood, Youth and Older Adults in Public Space and Urban Planning” as part of the Linking Ages Salon with Sabine Knierbein, Angelika Gabauer and Korinna Lindinger
14|06|2022 |
DieRaum22-Course Excursion to Belgrad. Participation in the BINA Belgrade, Exhibition on The Good Urban Life, specific workshop on “Caring Forms of Curating: Making the Gallery a Public Space and Public Space a Gallery”, in cooperation with students and colleagues of the University of Belgrade. |
11|06|2022 |
Architekturtage 2022 Vienna: “Bildungsweg Karlsplatz” – Sabine Knierbein discusses the social space Karlsplatz
02|06|2022 |
Panel discussion “Current Issues in Spatial and Urban Planning” at Planerforum.Architektur 2022 with Sabine Knierbein.
05|05|2022 |
Book Presentation “Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies“, Minerva Lab, CaSaDi Network and AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures dialogue, online with Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein and Kim Trogal.
03|05|2022 |
Panel discusion _„Wieи wollen wir leben – Wohnen und leben“ with Sabine Knierbein at „FLEXraum – Seminarräume & Veranstaltungssaal Wohnprojekt Wien”
25|04|2022 | Book Presentation “Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies” at Georg Simmel Zentrum für Metropolenforschung der Humboldt Universität in Berlin (with Angelika Gabauer, Nir Cohen, Tihomir Viderman and Henrik Lebuhn). |
22|04|2022 |
Book Presentation “Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies” in Pro qm thematische Buchhandlung Berlin (with Angelika Gabauer, Tihomir Viderman, Sabine Knierbein, Henrik Lebuhn und Nir Cohen).
28|01|2022 |
Preview Tonspur On Site: Streamers – a Covid Sculpture. Interactive Speaker Sculpture in the Shape of a Pestsäule. By Benoît Maubrey. With Sabine Knierbein.