Interdisciplinary Centre
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space contributes to the teaching and research activities of TU Wien. We establish and strengthen academic networks at the European and International levels as well as intensify dialogues between the civil society, public sector and universities.
Our work centers around identifying connecting points between urban research, urban planning and design. Furthermore, between practice and theory in the thematically linked fields of urban culture and public space. In addition, we address questions regarding the relationship between civil society actors and state institutions and markets, that determine the social production of public space.

Also, we address issues related to the tasks of planning and design disciplines in this context. Thus, we seek future potentials for students of architecture and spatial planning faculties that go beyond their traditional qualifications. For example, by taking on an active design and regulatory function in societal processes.

Three threefold perspectives directly link to Architecture and Planning – urban design, urban planning and urban research.
This triad does not correlate as much with disciplinary biases, institutional boundaries, or actor-based self-perceptions.
It rather shifts the focus to the actual behavior of individuals and groups in the field of tension of urban development.
Initial Premises
Public space is simultaneously a field of different disciplinary perspectives and a social space of multiple expressions.
In application and implementation, the knowledge generated from social science urban research is confronted with aspects of urban design and planning.
Exploratory approaches to urban design, planning and research are fundamental to the Interdisciplinary Centre’s for Urban Culture and Public Space work.