The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space contributes a unique and international urban studies perspective to TU Wien’s research and teaching agendas. As part of the Faculty for Architecture and Planning, the centre versed in urban co-production, co-research and co-teaching has been established as a new institution situated in an international network of urban scholars. It is our aim to discover existing potentials in fields connecting the study of urban life with an expertise in urban form, touching analytical perspectives on public space, urban culture, housing, and others. In collaboration with public institutions, civil society actors and with those engaged in public, social or civic innovation, we provide a range of key scientific publications, stimulate debates and take a position to enhance practices of democratisation as regards present urban development.


  • Unsettled Urban Space:
    Routines, Temporalities and Contestations

  • Courses in
    Summer Term 2023



Monday    09.00 – 13.00
Tuesday    13.00 – 17.00
Friday    10.00 – 15.00

Use of the library by appointment only.
TU Wien’s library catalogue is available here.
To obtain further information, please contact
+43 (0) 1 58801-285021
or info(at)



TU Wien
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture & Public Space
future.lab | E285-02

Karlsgasse 11 | Top Floor
1040 Vienna | 

T +43 (0) 1 58801-285 021
E office(at)