Webinar „Power to Co-Produce“
14th September 2020 | 08:45 – 16:00 CET
POWER TO CO-PRODUCE: Careful power distribution in collaborative city-making webinar was hosted on 14th September 2020. Whether being a student or an urban scholar, an activist or a local community leader, a decision-maker or a policy designer – interested people from a broad variety of fields were welcomed to take part in this collective attempt to widen up the debate on collaborative city-making by exploring its multiple interrelated dimensions. All sessions of the webinar were video recorded an can be watched by following the links below.
Full programme (pdf) | Call (pdf) | Virtual collaborative map (miro, pdf)
This open webinar is an attempt to establish a dialogical relationship between different perspectives on the interplay of power relations and collaborative city-making processes focusing on local processes of co-production and civic engagement, particularly of the marginalised communities. By recognising (1) practices, (2) pedagogies and (3) policies, and interrelations among the involved actors and institutions, debates on participatory collaboration in city-making processes are broadened. In the course of the webinar, the discussed concepts, ideas and experiences were shared in a virtual collaborative map, which can be explored on miro or downloaded here.