Public Lectures

11|11|2015 Interessenbekundungsverfahren Stiftungsgastprofessor 2017 Gastvortrag „Inventive Methodology for Urban Research“, Prof. Hafen City Universität, Hamburg, Deutschland, (Katrin Wildner)
09|11|2015 Gastvortrag “Between Collaboration and Contestation: New Urban Common Worlds and Public Space in Post-Growth Tokyo”, Assistenzprofessor für Urban Design an der Tokyo Universität, Japan (Christian Dimmer)
07|10|2015 Interessenbekundungsverfahren Stiftungsgastprofessur 2017 Gastvortrag “Informal Public Space: Production, Consumption and Materialization”, Associate Professor Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá,  (Jaime Hernández-García)
07|10|2015 Interessenbekundungsverfahren Stiftungsgastprofessur 2017 Gastvortrag „Everyday extraordinary: contrasting practices of public space“, Academic Leader University of Greenwich, UK (Ed Wall)
25|09|2015 8. Citta Conference Oporto + AESOP Thematic Group Meeting Portugal Geladener Impulsvortrag ”Planning theory, public space and open innovation”, sowie Koordination interner Workshop, Porto, Portugal (Sabine Knierbein)
24|09|2015 8. Citta Conference Oporto + AESOP Thematic Group Meeting Portugal Einführungsvortrag “AESOP Thematic Group Meeting – Becoming Local Series Closing”, Porto, Portugal (Sabine Knierbein, Stefania Ragozino)
17|09|2015 Austrian Institute of Technology, Seismic Workshop Geladener Impulsvortrag, “Soziale Innovation, offene Innovation, öffentlicher Raum”, Wien
15|07|2015 AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015, Prag Sondersession “Becoming Local Prague”, Vorstellung wissenschaftliches Papier „Embodied practice and relational public space. Bridging critical social practice, planning and design through education” während der AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015 (Sabine Knierbein and Chiara Tornaghi)
15|07|2015 AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015, Prag Sondersession “Becoming Local Prague”; Vorstellung wissenschaftliches Papier „Görlitzer Park, Berlin Kreuzberg: reflecting on realities and the real“ während der AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015 (Nikolai Roskamm)
15|07|2015 AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015, Prag Sondersession “Becoming Local Prague”, Vorstellung wissenschaftliches Papier „Utopian social imaginary after Red Vienna? Spatial practices of critical urban actors in Vienna’s social democracy.“ während der AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015 (Tihomir Viderman)
13|07|2015 AESOP Jahreskonferenz 2015, Prag Organisation des Jahrestreffens der AESOP Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (Sabine Knierbein, Tihomir Viderman)
23|06|2015 TEDxVienna Impulsvortrag “Public Space. Between Crisis, Innovation, and Utopia”, MAK (Museum für angewandte Kunst), Wien (Sabine Knierbein)
17|06|2015 Enquete: urbane stadt Moderation Panel 1, Future Lab, TU Wien (Sabine Knierbein)
02|06|2015 Sustainability Challenge, RCE Vienna Gastvortrag “Neue Herausforderungen für den nachhaltigen urbanen Wandel in Europa”, WU Wien (Sabine Knierbein)
20|05|2015 SKuOR Public Evening Lecture „Spatial relations or: what is density?“, TU Wien (Nikolai Roskamm)
24|04|2015 35. Sinclair-Haus-Gespräche Impulsvortrag “Öffentliche Räume zwischen Krise und Innovation – Einsichten und Thesen aus der Europäischen Urbanistik”, Bad Homburg, Deutschland (Sabine Knierbein)
18|04|2015 Buchpräsentation: Public space and relational perspectives. New challenges for architecture and planning Vortrag und Diskussion, TU Wien (Ian Banerjee, Sandra Huning, Sabine Knierbein, Kirsten Simonsen, Tihomir Viderman)
18|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Abschlussvortrag (E. Krasny, S. Knierbein, R. Shields)
18|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Keynote Lecture Impulsvortrag „Textural Care and Natality: the Stuff of Publics“,  Professor and Director School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Arizona State University, Phoenix USA (Xin Wei Sha)
18|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Einführungsvortrag „Introduction to Panel III: Matter“ (Rob Shields)
17|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Keynote Lecture Impulsvortrag „Body, space and place: a view from ’Critical Phenomenology’“ , Professor in Social and Cultural Geography, Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change (ENSPAC), Roskilde University, Denmark (Kirsten Simonsen)
17|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Einführungsvortrag „Introduction to Panel II: Place“ (Sabine Knierbein)
17|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Keynote Lecture Impulsvortrag „Caring for Space: Making Commons and Making Connections“, Visiting Design Fellow, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK (Kim Trogal)
17|04|2015 PhD Symposium Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Einführungsvortrag „Introduction to Panel I: Bodies“ (Elke Krasny)
12|03|2015 Interessenbekundungsverfahren Stiftungsgastprofessur 2016 Gastvortrag “Neighbourhoods in the tourist trap? New urban tourism and public space“, Juniorprofessorin, TU Berlin (Sybille Frank)
11|03|2015 Interessenbekundungsverfahren Stiftungsgastprofessur 2016 Gastvortrag, “Solidary Urban Democracies“, Dozentin TU Berlin (Carolin Schröder)
05|03|2015 Smart City. Lösungen für die Innovative Stadt Moderation der Podiumsdiskussion, Planungswerkstatt Wien (Sabine Knierbein)
24|02|2015 UNECE Workshop “Vital Public Spaces” Geladene Expertin, Workshop “Vital Public Spaces: Promoting Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements through Designing and Managing Public Spaces”, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Palais der Nationen, Genf, Schweiz (Sabine Knierbein)