Research Networks

In the course of the 9year-long City of Vienna Visiting Professorship Programme, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space has established a reliable and resilient academic network resting on tight content-based relations (please see figure ‘Research Networks’ below). Beyond this, we are also involved in wider professional communities: Whether as a founding member of the AESOP Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (AESOP TG PSUC) or as member of the scientific networks EURA, ESA and INURA, substantive exchange on urban problems and spatial issues with sociopolitical impetus is realized through networking efforts on very different levels. It seems important, in addition to cross-cultural and cross-thematic knowledge transfer, to establish learning alliances in Vienna as well. Whether as a local stakeholder in the Social Polis Network at the University of Economics in Vienna, or by providing input at local panel discussions, during open debates, and at various workshops, we engage in networking between the university and urban society, between planning and politics. We see ourselves as advocates for stronger networking in the combined subject areas of public space and urban culture at the interface between urban Studies, urban Design and urban Planning. In addition to academic institutions in Europe (and beyond), our partners are actors and institutions from the three societal spheres of the state, market, and civil society. Since our expertise is limited to specific subject areas, we are happy to put interested parties in touch with inspiring contacts at TU Wien and in the city (on demand). Please contact us!


The Interdisciplinary Centre is actively engaged in the following European and international professional networks:


AESOP TG PSUC – Association of European Schools of Planning, Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (founding member and main coordination 2015 – 2017)

ESA – European Sociological Association

EURA – European Urban Research Association

INURA –  International Network for Urban Research and Action