Sabine Knierbein

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. 

Head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Associate Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space (TU Wien), Dr. phil. European Urban Studies, PD Internationale Urbanistik, Graduate Engineer (FH) Landscape Architecture, Open Space Planning   sabine.knierbein(at)

Since December 2008 Sabine Knierbein is in charge of the scientific development, the structural establishment and management and the further consolidation of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space.  Sabine is an Associate Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning,  TU Wien in Austria since 2016. Between 2008 and 2018 the centre was rooted as an Arbeitsbereich of the Department of Spatial Planning (E280.A1), while it operated within the Future.Lab of the Faculty for Architecture and Planning between 2019 and 2023 (E285-02). Since 1st January 2024, the centre has become fully integrated as the new 9th research unit within the Institute of Spatial Planning (E280-09). As Head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, and supported by an engaged team, Sabine realizes further activities such as academic networking, acquiring third party funding and publishing, editing and reviewing scientific publications and projects on an international scale. In spring 2020, Knierbein was appointed Visiting Professor for Urban Political Geography at the Social Geography Lab (LAGeS, at the Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Arts and Performance (SAGAS) of the University of Florence in Italy, where she has been affiliated as a guest researcher in 2021. In 2022, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Urban Design at Hafen City University Hamburg in Germany, while in 2023 she realized a Guest Research Stay at the Institute for Sociology and Cultural Organisation at the Leuphana Universität in Lüneburg, Germany. Based on her habilitation treatise entitled “Critique of Everyday Life in the 21st Century. Lived Space and Capitalist Urbanization”, TU Wien established a new content-related venia in “Urban Studies ⁄ Internationale Urbanistik” in 2021. As alumna, Sabine also serves as a Vertrauensdozentin of the Studienstiftungs des dt. Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation).


E sabine.knierbein(at)

T 43 (0) 1/ 58801 280 090



Post Address

TU Wien
Faculty of Architecture and Planning/future.lab
Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (Research Centre, E280-09)
Karlsgasse 11, Top Floor, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Curriculum Vitae

born in Lippetal, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany

since 2024

Head of the Research Unit for Urban Culture and Public Space (E280-09, Team Urban)
Institute of Spatial Planning (IoSP). Faculty of Architecture and Planning (FAP). Technische Universität Wien (TUW). Austria.

since 2021

Personal Tutor (Vertrauensdozentin)
German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung)


European Price for Public Space
European Expert Committee Member, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona.

since 2021

Venia docendi in Urban Studies
Habilitation treatise for a Venia in ‘Urban Studies | Internationale Urbanistik’ submitted at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien successfully defended on 10th May 2021.

since 2020

AESOP National Representative Austria
Institutional Membership in the Council of Representatives of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)


Head of the Research Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (E285-02)
Strategic positioning of the research centre with an emphasis in urban studies at the faculty level to further institute high-quality international doctoral and master education and to systematically support the faculty’s research activities. Future Lab. Faculty of Architecture and Planning (FAP). Technische Universität Wien (TUW). Austria.


Director of the KTH + TU Wien Visiting Professorship Program in Urban Studies
Setting up a new Visiting Professorship Scheme based on foundation funds from the KTH Stockholm and grants from the TU Wien. FAP-TUW. Vienna, Austria.


Visiting Professor in Urban Political Geography
Visiting Professor at the Laboratorio di Geografia Sociale – LAGeS (, Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo – SAGAS, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy.

07|2017 – ongoing

Active member AESOP Thematic Group’s Research Affairs Group
Collaboration and management of a subgroup of the horizontal professional network of urban researchers oriented at improving research, publication and dissemination outputs.

since 2016

Associate Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space
Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning (FAP), Technische Universität Wien (TUW). International teaching and research. Vienna, Austria.

2015 – 2017

Coordination of the AESOP Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures Establishment and expansion of a new transdisciplinary researchers group on lived space under the umbrella of the Association of European Schools of Planning.

02|2013 – 10|2016

Assistant Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space 
International teaching and research. FAP-TUW. Vienna, Austria.

11|2011 – 01|2013

Tenure track position for Urban Culture and Public Space (PostDoc) Job classification for a postdoctoral fellowship position following the Austrian tenure track model. International teaching and research. FAP-TUW. Vienna, Austria.

12|2008 – 11|2011

PostDoc position, Department of Spatial Planning
PostDoc position followed a special selection procedure intended to set up the work area for Urban Culture and Public Space. International teaching and research. FAP-TUW. Vienna, Austria.

12|2008 – 02|2018

Director of the City of Vienna Visiting Professorship Program
Carrying out an innovative pilot project “Visiting Professorship for Urban Culture and Public Space” based on donations by the City of Vienna. FAP-TUW. Vienna, Austria.

12|2008 – 12|2018

Head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (E280.A1).
Establishing an innovative and horizontal institution at the FAP-TUW. Vienna, Austria.

10|2004 – 11|2008

Doctoral Study, European Urban Studies (Defense 06|2009)
Dissertation “The production of central public spaces in the attention economy. Aesthetics, economics, and media restructuring via design-related coalitions in Berlin since 1980.” Dr. phil., Department of Spatial Planning and Research. Institute of European Urban Studies. Faculty of Architecture. Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Germany.

2005, 2008

Lecturer, Institute of European Urban Studies, Bauhaus University Weimar
International Research Seminar “Information? Communication? Attention!”, and “The Politics of Public Space in Berlin”.

2005 – 2007

Project coordination, PROBRAL
German-Brazilian research project between the Institute of European Urban Studies, Bauhaus University Weimar and PROURB at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, three multi-week guest research visits to Rio, Brasília, São Paulo, and Salvador de Bahía.


Award for “Most promising diploma thesis”
University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück. Germany.

05|2004 – 09|2004

Professional Experience as Engineer in Landscape Architecture | Open Space Planning
Topos – City Planning, Urban Research and Landscape Planning, Berlin, Germany.

09|1999 – 04|2004

Landscape Architecture Studies | Open Space Planning
Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Science
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany diploma thesis: “Urban Squares in the microcentre of Córdoba (Argentina) and their perception” (Stadtplätze im Mikrozentrum von Córdoba und ihre Wahrnehmung), passed with distinction, (grade: 1.1).

03|2003 – 09|2003

Research Stay and 2nd Academic Internship, Open Space Planning Department of Urban Landscape, Municipality of Córdoba, Argentina
 funded by scholarship from the Mühlfenzl-Stiftung, Germany.

2002 – 2003

Work as Supervising Tutor
Open Space Planning, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Agricultural Science
University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany.


Student Assistant
RMP Landschaftsarchitekten, Bonn, Germany.

08|2001 – 01|2002

1st Academic Internship Open Space Planning
NJTLC Landscape Consultants, London, UK.


Student Assistant
Schupp und Thiel – Office for Landscape Architecture, Münster, Germany.

08|1997 – 06|1999

Landscape Gardener („Gärtnerin, Fachrichtung Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau“), Final examination: successful; Vocational school graduation), Oelde, Germany.


Archigymnasium, Soest, Germany.


Round of Finalists of Best Teacher Award Nominations at TU Wien, Austria


Nominated for Best Distance Learning Award at TU Wien, Austria


Nominated for Best Teacher Awards at TU Wien, Austria


Nominated for Best Lecture Awards at TU Wien, Austria


Nominated for Best Teacher Awards at TU Wien, Austria


Nominated for Best Teacher Awards at TU Wien


Dr. phil. in European Urban Studies, Summa cum laude, Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus-University Weimar.

2005 – 2008

Doctoral Fellowship granted by the German National Academic Foundation (“Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes“).


Award for “Most promising diploma thesis”, University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany.


Diploma in Landscape Architecture/Open Space Planning, graded “very good with distinction“.


Scholarship for practical semester abroad, Argentina, from the Mühlfenzl Foundation (via German National Academic Foundation).


Language course scholarship, Spain (via German National Academic Foundation).

2002 – 2005

Scholarship from German National Academic Foundation.

2001 – 2002

Scholarship for practical semester abroad, England, from the Carl Duisberg Society (later InWEnt).


TU Wien External Individual Coaching (Focus Human Resources, Management and Leadership)


TU Wien Seminar “Taking really good decisions – and live with them” (Focus Human Resources, Management and Leadership)


TU Wien Seminar “Appointment Training for Prospective Professors” (Focus Science)


TU Wien Seminar “Rocky roads. Dealing with and leading through transitions” (Focus Human Resources, Leadership and Management)


TU Wien Seminar “My responsibilities in leadership: Economic and Management Authority” (Focus Human Resources, Leadership and Management)

2015 - 2016

TU Wien Seminar “Career Coaching for PostDocs” (Focus Science)


TU Wien Seminar “Conflict Management” (Focus Science)


TU Wien Seminar “Rhetoric and Body Language” (Focus Human Resources, Leadership and Management)


TU Wien External Individual Coaching (Focus Human Resources, Management and Leadership)


TU Wien Seminar “In Focus: Diversity. How to deal with difference in teaching?” (Focus Teaching)


DHS Seminar Bonn “Women on their way to realize a Professorship” (Focus Leadership and Academic Profile)


TU Wien Seminar “How to Write a Competitive EU Research Proposal for a Framework 7 Project” (Project Management)


TU Wien External Individual Coaching (Focus Human Resources, Management and Leadership)


TU Wien Seminar “Loyal Counselling for Teaching” (Focus Teaching)


Guest Researcher at the Institute of Sociology und Cultural Organisation, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany


Guest Researcher at the Institute of Urban Design, Hafen City University Hamburg, Germany


Guest Researcher at the Laboratori di Geografia Sociale (LaGeS), Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy


Guest Professor for Urban Political Geography at the Laboratori di Geografia Sociale (LaGeS), SAGAS, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

since 2020

National Representative for Austrian Planning Schools to the Council of Representatives of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)

since 2012

EURA, European Urban Research Association.

since 2011

INURA, The International Network for Urban Research and Action.

since 2010


since 2008

Alumni Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.

since 2005




KNIERBEIN, S. (2026, forthcoming): Everyday Life and Urban Studies: Moving With Lefebvre Towards the 21st Century. New York/ London, Routledge.

KNIERBEIN, S. (2010): The production of central public spaces in the attention economy. Aesthetic, economic, and media restructuring: the example of Berlin since 1980. (Original in German: Die Produktion zentraler öffentlicher Räume in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. Ästhetische, ökonomische und mediale Restrukturierungen am Beispiel Berlin seit 1980.) Wiesbaden. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Edited Volumes (Peer-reviewed *)

GETZNER, M, GÜNTNER, S, KEVDZIKJA, M,  KNIERBEIN, S, RENNER, A T und SEMLITSCH, E (2023) Planung und räumliche Wirkungen von sozialen Infrastrukturen. Wien_TU Academic Press.

VIDERMAN, T., KNIERBEIN, S., KRÄNZLE, E., FRANK, S., ROSKAMM, N. and WALL, E.  (2022) Unsettled. Urban Routines, Temporalities, and Contestations. New York/London, Routledge *. Open Access Link.

GABAUER, A., KNIERBEIN, S., COHEN, N, LEBUHN, H., TROGAL, K, VIDERMAN, T and HAAS, T (2021) Care and the City. Encounters With Urban Studies. New York/London, Routledge *. Open Access Link.

KNIERBEIN, S. and VIDERMAN, T. (2020) Public Space Unbound. Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. New York/London, Routledge (Paperback) *.

KNIERBEIN, S. and VIDERMAN, T. (2018) Public Space Unbound. Urban emancipation and the post-political condition. New York/London, Routledge (Hardcover, E-Book) *.

HOU, J. and KNIERBEIN, S. (2017) City Unsilenced: Urban resistance and public space in the age of shrinking democracy. New York/London, Routledge*.

TORNAGHI, C. and KNIERBEIN, S. (2016): Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. Routledge*. New York/London (Paperback).

TORNAGHI, C. and KNIERBEIN, S. (2015): Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. Routledge*. New York/London (Hardcover, E-Book).

MADANIPOUR, A., KNIERBEIN, S. and DEGROS, A. (2014): Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe. Routledge*. New York/London.

KNIERBEIN, S. and MEGYERI, M. (2011): Private. Public. Edited by Juliane Otterbach. Stuttgart. London. Lost Books Press. (German/English)

KNIERBEIN, S. and MEGYERI, M. (2011): Private. Public. Edited by Juliane Otterbach. Stuttgart. Strasbourg. Lost Books Press and CEEAC. (German/French)

KNIERBEIN, S., RIEGER-JANDL, A. and BANERJEE, I. (2010): Information. Communication. Attention! Exploratory urban research beyond city branding. Vienna. IVA Press.

FESSLER VAZ, L., KNIERBEIN, S. and WELCH GUERRA, M. (2006): Public space in planning policy. Studies from Rio de Janeiro and Berlin. (Original in German: Der öffentliche Raum in der Planungspolitik. Studien aus Rio de Janeiro und Berlin). Weimar. Bauhaus University Press.

Articles, Peer-Reviewed Journals

KNIERBEIN, S and PFEIFER, R (2023) The Role of the Body in Pandemic Geographies of Encounter. Anti-Restriction Protesters between Collective Action and Political Violence. Urban Planning. Volume 8/23, Issue 4

KNIERBEIN, S, HOU, J and GABAUER, A (2020) Public Space, Civic Dignity and Urban Resistance in the Age of Shrinking Democracy. Transactions of AESOP Vol. 04/2020. Open Access.

VIDERMAN, T and KNIERBEIN, S (2019) Affective urbanism: Towards inclusive design praxis. Urban Design International. Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S (2018) Editorial: Planning and Critical Entrepreneurship. PlaNext Journal. AESOP-YA. Vol. 7. Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S (2018) Public Space and Refugee Studies: Performing Emancipation, Resistance and Opposition at Train Stations in Budapest and Vienna in 2015. Geographies. Greek Journal of Geography. Vol. 32/2018. Pp. 70-83. Open Access.

VIDERMAN, T and KNIERBEIN, S (2o18) Reconnecting public space and housing research through affective practice. Journal of Urban DesignVol. 23, 2018 – Issue 6: Theme issue: Becoming local.  Open Access

KNIERBEIN, S (2017) Public space, housing affairs, and the dialectics of lived space. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani / Italian Journal of Urban Studies1. Issue 07/2017. Sapienza University of Rome, in cooperation with Sapienza Università Editrice. Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S und SEZER, C (2015) AESOP Thematic Groups – Public Spaces and Urban Cultures, DisP – The Planning Review. 51. Issue 02/2015. Zürich. DOI:10.1080/02513625.2015.1064652. 

KNIERBEIN, S. and DOMINGUÉZ, C. (2014): Public relational space as a connector of urban studies (Original in Spanish: El espacio public relacional como conector de los estudios urbanos.) Gestión y Ambiente. Vol. 17, No. 1 August 2014, ISSN: 0124-177X (Print) ISSN: 2357-5905 (Online, Creative Commons Attr. 3.0)

MADANIPOUR, A., KNIERBEIN, S. and DEGROS, A. (2014): Policies for public space in European cities (Original in Spanish: Políticas para el espacio público en las ciudades europeas). Gestión y Ambiente. Vol. 17, No. 1 August 2014, ISSN: 0124-177X (Print) ISSN: 2357-5905 (Online, Creative Commons Attr. 3.0)

TOMADONI, C. and KNIERBEIN, S. (2009): The production of urban space in contrast (Original in Spanish: La producción del espacio urbano en cambio). Gestión y Ambiente. Vol. 12, No. 1 May 2009, pp. 13-18. ISSN: 0124-177X (Print) ISSN: 2357-5905 (Online, Creative Commons Attr. 3.0)

KNIERBEIN, S. (2008): Central public spaces in European cities in transition. In: Alfa Spectra: Central and European Journal of Architecture and Planning CIDRE, E., COTELLA, G. and NUNES, R. (Eds.) Central and Eastern Europe in the Face of European Enlargement: New Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Environments, Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Architecture, 2008/1, pp. 50-58. ISSN: 1135-2679.

Book Chapters (Peer-reviewed *)

KNIERBEIN, S, GABAUER, A and LEBUHN, H (2025, forthcoming) Die Sorgende Stadt. In: ECKARDT, F (ed) Handbuch Stadtsoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer. Pp. xx-xx.

KNIERBEIN, S, and CHRISTODOULOU, C (2025) The Post-Political Beach. In: Low, Setha (ed) Beach Politics. Social, Racial and Environmental Injustice on the Shoreline. New York University Press. Pp. 97-118.

KNIERBEIN, S (2024) Introduction to Events and Dissidence. In: Bobic N and Haghighi F (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Politics and Urban Space, Vol. II. New York/London: Routledge. Pp 31-44.

GABAUER, A, KNIERBEIN, S and LINDINGER, K (2024) Age Transitions Crossing Childhood, Youth and Old Age: Approaching Space and Age Relationally from an Urban Everyday Life Perspective. In: WANKA, A, FREUTEL-FUNKE, T, ANDRESEN, S und OSWALD, F (eds) Linking Ages. A Dialogue Between Childhood and Ageing Research. New York/London, Routledge. Pp. 106-118.

KNIERBEIN, S (2023) Cities Under Pressure – Urban Democracy and Everyday Life. In: Portugali, J (ed.) The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing. PP. 185-203.

VIDERMAN, T., KNIERBEIN, S., KRÄNZLE, E., FRANK, S., ROSKAMM, N. and WALL, E. (2022) Urban Space Unsettled. The Unravelling of Urban Routines, Temporalities and Contestations. In: Viderman, T, Knierbein, S, Kränzle, E, Frank, S, Roskamm, N and Wall, E (eds) Unsettled Urban Space. Routines, Temporalities and Contestations. New York/London: Routledge. PP. 1-16. Open Access Link.

WALL, E. and KNIERBEIN, S. (2022) Urban Temporalities – An Introduction. In: Viderman, T, Knierbein, S, Kränzle, E, Frank, S, Roskamm, N and Wall, E (eds) Unsettled Urban Space. Routines, Temporalities and Contestations. New York/London: Routledge *. PP. 107-13. Open Access Link.

GABAUER, A., KNIERBEIN, S., COHEN, N, LEBUHN, H., TROGAL, K, and VIDERMAN, T (2021) Care, Uncare and the City. In: Gabauer, A., Knierbein, S, Cohen, N., Lebuhn, H, Trogal, K and Viderman, T (eds) Encounters With Urban Studies. New York/London, Routledge *. Pp. 3-14. Open Access Link.

COHEN, N. and KNIERBEIN, S. (2021) Social Inequalities, Uneven Space, and Care. An Introduction. In: Gabauer, A., Knierbein, S., Cohen, N., Lebuhn, H., Trogal, K., Viderman, T and Haas, T (eds) Care and the City. Encounters with Urban Studies. New York/London, Routledge*. PP.37-42 Open Access Link.

KNIERBEIN, S (2021) Alltagstheoretische Wendungenim Feld der Internationalen Urbanistik. In: Kogler, R. und Hamedinger, A (Hsg.) Interdisziplinäre Stadtforschung. Bielefeld. Transcript, S. 165-188.

KNIERBEIN, S (2020) The Social Production of Central Public Space and the Economy of Attention in Berlin. IN: KUC, M (ed) HUF: Hacking Urban Furniture. ZK/U Press Berlin. PP. 20-33.

KNIERBEIN, S and GABAUER, A (2020) Öffentliche Räume und Intersektionale Stadtpolitik. IN: Heinrich Böll-Stiftung (ed.) Öffentlicher Raum! Strategien der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe und Zusammenkunft. Campus Verlag. PP. 125-146.

KNIERBEIN, S (2020) Public Space and The Political – Reconnecting Urban Resistance and Urban Emancipation. In: METHAS, V and PALAZZO, D (eds) Companion to Public Space, Chapter 27. Routledge.

KRÄNZLE, E, KNIERBEIN, S, ROSKAMM, N and SIRBEGOVIC, A (2018) Refugees and the City. Architecture and urban planning as solidary praxis (in German: Architektur und Stadtplanung als solidarische Praxis) In: HARATHER, K, STUEFER, R und ETTMÜLLER, E (eds) Refugee Shelter  Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, Wien Mitte. A mass facility turns into a house of possibilities (in German: Flüchtlingsunterkunft Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, Wien Mitte: Ein Massenquartier wird zum Haus der Möglichkeiten). TU Wien Editors. Vienna. Pp. 60-62.

KNIERBEIN, S and VIDERMAN, T (2018) Space, Emancipation and Post-Political Urbanization. In: KNIERBEIN, S and VIDERMAN, T (eds) Public Space Unbound. Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition. Pp. 3-19.

VIDERMAN, T and KNIERBEIN, S  (2018) Public Space Unbound: Emancipatory Praxis and Lived Space. In: KNIERBEIN, S and VIDERMAN, T (eds) Public Space Unbound. Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition. Pp. 269-280.

KNIERBEIN, S (2017) Everyday densities. Lived practices of the spatial present. In: BATISTA A, KOVACS S and LESKY C (eds) Rethinking Density. Art, Culture and Urban Practices. Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Vol. 20. Sternberg Press*. Berlin. Pp. 156-168.

KNIERBEIN, S (2017) Public Space, Housing Affairs and ‘Resistance Combined’. About silences, absences and the public articulation of critique. In: Franz, Y und Hintermann, C (2017) Unravelling complexities. Understanding Public Spaces. Institut für Stadt- und Regionalforschung (Hg.) Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien. Pp. 43-70.

KNIERBEIN, S  and HOU, J (2017) City Unsilenced: Spatial grounds of radical democratization. IN: HOU, J and KNIERBEIN, S (eds) City Unsilenced. Public space in the age of shrinking democracy. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 231-242.

KNIERBEIN, S and GABAUER, A (2017) Worlded resistance as ‘alter politics’ : Train of Hope and the Protest Against the Akademikerball in Vienna IN: HOU, J and KNIERBEIN, S (eds) City Unsilenced. Public space in the age of shrinking democracy. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 214-228.

HOU, J and KNIERBEIN, S (2017) Shrinking democracy and urban resistance: Toward an emancipatory politics of public space. IN: HOU, J and KNIERBEIN, S (eds) City Unsilenced. Public space in the age of shrinking democracy. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 3-16.

KNIERBEIN, S (2016) Architecture and public space. What about social relations in public space? In: Dittrich, M. and Rieger-Jandl, A (eds) Architecture – a transdisciplinary approach. Volume 2. (Original in German: Architektur und öffentlicher Raum. Was machen die sozialen Beziehungen im öffentlichen Raum? In: Dittrich, M und Rieger Jandl, A (Hsg.) Architektur transdisziplinär. Band 2). IVA . Vienna. Pp. 95-104.

KNIERBEIN, S. (2016) Public Space as action spheres for urban restructuring in Europe. In: Chamber of Workers Vienna (ed.) Vienna is growing – Public space. Conference Documentation. (in German: Öffentliche Räume als Handlungssphären des städtischen Strukturwandels in Europa. In: Arbeiterkammer Wien (ed.) Wien wächst-Öffentlicher Raum. Konferenzdokumentation). Vienna. Pp. 40-60.

KNIERBEIN, S. (2016) Public Space between crisis and innovation. Insights and statements from European Urban Studies. In: Quandt Stiftung (ed.) Sinclair Haus Gespräche 35. Citizens and Public Space. (Original in German: Öffentliche Räume zwischen Krise und Innovation. Einsichten und Thesen aus der europäischen Stadtforschung. n: Quandt Stiftung (Hg.) Sinclair Haus Gespräche 35. Die Bürger und ihr Öffentlicher Raum). Munich. Herder Verlag. Pp. 32.57.

KNIERBEIN, S and TORNAGHI, C (2015) Embodied practice and relational public space. Bridging critical social practice, planning and design through education.IN: Milan Macoun, Karel Maier (eds) Definite Space, Fuzzy Responsibility. Published electronically (ISBN 978-80-01-05782-7), Pp. 893-907.

KNIERBEIN, S. and DOMINGUÉZ, C (2015): Public spaces as scientific fields of learning. Facets of co-research spanning culture and disciplines in transcultural urban research. In: Yearbook of Spatial Planning 2015. Department of Spatial Planning (Ed.). (Original in German: Facetten des Kultur und Disziplinen übergreifenden Co-Research in der transkulturellen Stadtforschung. IN: Jahrbuch Raumplanung 2015.) Vienna. Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. Pp. 135-153

KNIERBEIN, S and TORNAGHI, C (2015): Relational public space. New challenges for architecture and planning education. IN: Tornaghi, C and Knierbein, S (Eds.) Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 1-12.

TORNAGHI, C and KNIERBEIN, S und (2015): Conceptual challenges. Re-addressing public space in a relational perspective. IN: Tornaghi, C. and Knierbein, S. (Eds.) Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 13-16.

KNIERBEIN, S (2015): Public space as relational counter space. Scholarly minefield or epistemological opportunity? IN: Tornaghi, C. and Knierbein, S. (Eds.) Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 42-63.

KNIERBEIN, S and TORNAGHI, C (2015): Practical challenges. Exploring innovative tools in teaching architecture and planning. IN: Tornaghi, C. and Knierbein, S. (Eds.) Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 65-68.

KNIERBEIN, S. and TORNAGHI, C. (2015): Research challenges. Innovating curricula by learning from lived space IN: Tornaghi, C. and Knierbein, S (Eds.) Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 121-123.

KNIERBEIN, S. and TORNAGHI, C. (2015): Educational challenges. IN: Tornaghi, C. and Knierbein, S. (Eds.) Public space and relational perspectives: New challenges for architecture and planning. New York/London. Routledge*. Pp. 183-195.

MADANIPOUR, A, KNIERBEIN, S,  and DEGROS, A (2014): A moment of transformation. IN: MADANIPOUR A, KNIERBEIN, S and DEGROS A (Eds.) Public space and the Challenges of European Cities in Transition. London/New York. Routledge*. Pp. 1-8.

KNIERBEIN, S, MADANIPOUR, A and DEGROS, A (2014): Vienna. (Re)Framing Public Policies – (Re)Shaping Public Spaces? IN: MADANIPOUR A, KNIERBEIN, S and DEGROS A (Eds.) Public space and the Challenges of European Cities in Transition. Routledge*. London/New York. Pp. 23-37.

MADANIPOUR, A, KNIERBEIN, S, and DEGROS, A (2014): Strategies, Plans and Policies. IN: MADANIPOUR A, KNIERBEIN, S and DEGROS A (Eds.) Public space and the Challenges of European Cities in Transition. Routledge*. London/New York. Pp. 9-10.

MADANIPOUR, A, KNIERBEIN, S, and DEGROS, A (2014): Multiple Roles of Public Space. IN: MADANIPOUR A, KNIERBEIN, S and DEGROS A (Eds.) Public space and the Challenges of European Cities in Transition. Routledge*. London/New York. Pp. 61-62.

MADANIPOUR, A, KNIERBEIN, S, and DEGROS, A (2014): Everyday life and sharing the city. IN: MADANIPOUR A, KNIERBEIN, S and DEGROS A (Eds.) Public space and the Challenges of European Cities in Transition. Routledge*. London/New York. Pp. 117-118.

MADANIPOUR, A, KNIERBEIN, S, and DEGROS, A (2014, s.o.): Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe. IN: MADANIPOUR A, KNIERBEIN, S and DEGROS A (Eds.) Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe. Routledge*. London/New York. Pp. 183-190.

KNIERBEIN, S (2014): Ambivalent design interests in places of public life in the city – Berlin as breeding colony of the attention economy (Original in German: Ambivalente Gestaltinteressen an Orten öffentlichen Lebens in der Stadt – Berlin als Brutkolonie der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie). IN: AMEY F and RINGEL J (Eds.) Hotspots der Stadtentwicklung. Methoden, Praxis und Perspektiven der gemanagten Stadt. Verlag Dorothea Rhon. Pp. 45-60.

KNIERBEIN, S (2013): Reflection and action in public spaces. Networking of fields of knowledge in everyday life (Original in German: Reflexion und Handlung in öffentlichen Räumen. Vernetzung der Wissensfelder im Alltäglichen). IN:  City of Vienna (Ed.), Werkstattbericht Zukunft Stadt, edited by SCHEUVENS, R, ZIEGLER, R and KRASSNITZER, Pp. 140-143.

STEGLICH, A and KNIERBEIN, S (2012): Public Space as spheres of research and design (Original in German: Öffentlicher Raum als Forschungs- und Gestaltungssphäre). In: MEHR-WERT Architektur & Raumplanung. Wissenschaftstag 2012, Fakultät für Arch & RPL (Ed.); Bericht zum Wissenschaftstag der Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung. Vienna. Pp. 246-247.

KNIERBEIN, S (2012): Transdiciplinarity in urban research: Public space as a chance for a view of the social world that spans fields of knowledge (Original in German: Transdisziplinarität in der Stadtforschung: Öffentlicher Raum als Chance der Wissensfelder überspannenden Betrachtung der sozialen Welt). IN: FASCHINGEDER, G, HABERSACK, S, NOVY, A and GROSSER, S (Eds.): Soziale Ungleichheit und kulturelle Vielfalt in europäischen Städten. Dokumentation des transdisziplinären Symposiums Oktober 2010. Aktion & Reflexion. Texte zur transdisziplinären Entwicklungsforschung und dialogischen Bildung. Issue 7; Paulo Freire Zentrum, Vienna. Pp. 40-42. Online Access

BERGER, M, CALAY, V and KNIERBEIN, S (2012): Frames, conflicts and reflexivities: Analyzing the plural natures of public spaces in Human Cities. IN: Houlstan-Hasaerts, R, Tominc, B, Nikšič, M and Goličnik Marušić (Eds.) Human cities: civil society reclaims public space: cross perspectives based on research : international symposium proceedings, 15th-16th March, 2012, Brussels. Ljubljana. Urbani izziv – publikacije. Pp.28-31. Open Access

KNIERBEIN, S, AIGNER, J and WATSON, S (2011): Street markets as venues for informal economies in Vienna and Budapest. Learning from phenomena in urban space (Original in German: Straßenmärkte als Schauplätze informeller Ökonomien in Wien und Budapest. Lernen von den Phänomenen im Stadtraum). IN: DABRINGER, M  and TRUPP, A. (Eds.) Wirtschaften mit Migrationshintergrund. Zur soziokulturellen Bedeutung ethnischer Ökonomien in urbanen Räumen. Konzepte und Kontroversen – Materialien für Unterricht und Wissenschaft in Geschichte – Geographie – Politische Bildung. Vienna. VGS. Pp. 93-106.

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): The instruments of competition among cities for attention. City Branding as a strategy of wealth creation (Original in German: Die Instrumente des Wettbewerbs der Städte um Aufmerksamkeit. City Branding als Wertschöpfungsstrategie). IN: Fachschaft Raumplanung (Ed.) Wien – branded city. Publikationen zum PlanerInnen-Treffen, Vienna TU.  Vienna, Austria. Pp. 50-54.

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): Public Space – Scientific minefield or epistemological chance? (Original in German: Öffentliche Räume – Wissenschaftliches Minenfeld oder erkenntnistheoretische Chance?) IN: LITSCHER, M and EMMENEGGER, B (Eds.) Perspektiven zu öffentlichen Räumen. Theoretische und praxisorientierte Beiträge aus der Stadtforschung. Luzern. Interact Verlag. Pp. 179-203. Online Access

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): Urban culture. A post-disciplinary positioning  in urban research (Original in German: Stadtkultur. Eine postdisziplinäre Positionierung in der Stadtforschung). IN: KOCH, F und FREY, O (Eds.) Positionen der Urbanistik I. Stadtkultur und Methoden der Stadtforschung. Wien. LIT Verlag. Pp. 79-103.

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): Urban policy in Latin America. State control in the context of increasing socio-spatial disparities and their reflection in German-speaking urban research (Original in German: Stadtpolitik in Lateinamerika. Staatliche Steuerung im Kontext zunehmender sozialräumlicher Disparitäten und ihre Reflexion in der deutschsprachigen Stadtforschung). IN: ALFARO, P, SANCHEZ STEINER, L and IMILAN, W (Eds.) Die Lateinamerikanische Stadt im Wandel. Zwischen lokaler Stadtgesellschaft und globalem Einfluss. Reihe Habitat International. Berlin. LIT Verlag. Pp.11-15.

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): Urban (building) culture. The socio-political role of robust public spaces (Original in German: Stadt(bau)kultur. Die gesellschaftspolitische Rolle robuster öffentlicher Räume. IN: Stadt: Gestalten. Festschrift für Klaus Semsroth. Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, Vienna University of Technology (Eds.). Vienna. Springer. Pp. 144-149.

KNIERBEIN, S and TOMADONI, C (2010): From buying cars to buying attention. Accumulation strategies in urban territories in transition. IN: KNIERBEIN, S, RIEGER-JANDL, A and BANERJEE, I (Eds.) Information. Communication. Attention! Exploratory urban research beyond city branding. Wien. IVA Press. Pp. 155-168.

KNIERBEIN, S (2009): Shaping central public spaces – Design-related partnerships in Berlin. In: ECKARDT, F. und ELANDER, I. (Eds.): Urban Governance in Europe, Berlin. Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag.

KNIERBEIN, S (2008): Street furniture and advertising in central public spaces – The cases of Berlin and Rio de Janeiro (Original in Portuguese: Mobiliário urbano e publicidade em espaços públicos centrais – Os casos de Berlim e de Rio de Janeiro). In:  FESSLER VAZ, L, DA SILVA ANDRADE, L, and WELCH GUERRA, M (Eds.) Os Espaços Públicos nas políticas urbanas: Leituras sobre o Rio de Janeiro e Berlim, Rio de Janeiro: 7 letras, Pp. 49-66.

KNIERBEIN, S (2006, s.o.): The production of public space as a political planning process (Original in German: Die Produktion öffentlichen Raums als planungspolitischer Prozess). In: FESSLER VAZ, L, KNIERBEIN, S and WELCH GUERRA, M (Eds.) Der öffentliche Raum in der Planungspolitik. Studien aus Rio de Janeiro und Berlin. Weimar. Bauhaus University Press. Pp. 137-146.

KNIERBEIN, S (2006, s.o.): City beaches as public spaces. The example of Rio de Janeiro (Original in German: Stadtstrände als öffentliche Räume. Das Beispiel Rio de Janeiro). In: FESSLER VAZ, L, KNIERBEIN, S und WELCH GUERRA, M (Eds.) Der öffentliche Raum in der Planungspolitik. Studien aus Rio de Janeiro und Berlin. Weimar. Bauhaus University Press. Pp. 69-84.

(Guest) Editor of Journals, Reports, Readers, and Special Issues

KNIERBEIN, S and RAGOZINO, S (2025, forthcoming) Social Change and Everyday Life in the Spatial Arts.Architecture MDPI. Special Issue.

CHARALAMBOUS, N and KNIERBEIN, S (2024) Journal of Public Space. Special Issue: Mapping geographies of (in)justice in public space: Challenges and Opportunities. (tbc)

LUQUE MARTIN, I, KNIERBEIN, S, and IBRAHIM, B (2018) plaNext. AESOP-YA. Vol. 7. Special Issue “Planning and Critical Entrepreneurship”. Comprising 8 articles by young planning scholars and an editorial. Open Access.

VIDERMAN, T and KNIERBEIN, S (2018) Urban Morphology. A relational-material approach. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (Ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-45-1. Vienna. (English)

KNIERBEIN, S, KRAENZLE, E, LEHNER, J, WALL, E (2018) Urban Culture, Public Space and the Future: Urban Equity and the Global Agenda. Exploring urban futures. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (Ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-43-7. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, KRAENZLE, E and WALL, E (2018) Excursion to East London: Urban Agendas caught between local needs and global pressures. Exploring urban presents. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (Ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-42-0. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, FRANK, S and KRAENZLE, E, (2016) Urban culture, public space and the present: Urban solidarity and European crisis. Exploring urban presents. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-28-4. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, KRAENZLE, E, ROSKAMM, R and SIRBEGOVIC, A (2016) Urban culture, public space and the past: Urban peace and national welfare: Refugees and the city. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-21-5. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, KRAENZLE, E, and ROSKAMM, R (2016) Urban culture, public space and the past: Welfare farewell? Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-20-8. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, and KRAENZLE, E (2016): Bridges. Crossing Roads. Brussels Master Class 2015. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-22-2. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, and VIDERMAN, T (2016): Urban culture, public space and ways of life: Everyday life and insights. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (ed.), ISBN 978-3-902707-19-2. Vienna. (English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, HOU, J and VIDERMAN, T (2015): My Place – Their Place – Our Place. Urban Culture, public space and knowledge. Education and difference. MA21. City of Vienna (ed.). Created by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Department of Spatial Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, TU Wien. ISBN 978-3-903003-01-9. Vienna. (German/English). Open Access.

KNIERBEIN, S, KRASNY, E and VIDERMAN, T (2015): Concepts and critique of the production of space. Urbanismo Afectivo (Affective Urbanism). Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Department of Spatial Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, TU Wien, (ed.) ISBN 978-3-902707-18-5. Vienna. (English/Spanish). Open Access.

HARATHER, K, KNIERBEIN, S, PAESE, C and TOMASELLI, M (2015): Karlsplatz Vienna revisited. Everyday tourism and policy innovation. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Institute of Art and Design 1, Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, TU Wien, (eds.) ISBN 978-3-900669-21-8. Vienna. (English)

DOMINGUEZ, C and KNIERBEIN, S (2014): Public space and urban policy (Original in Spanish: Espacio Público y las Políticas Urbanas Gestión y Ambiente. Vol. 17, No. 2 August 2014, ISSN: 0124-177X (Print), ISSN: 2357-5905 (Online, Creative Commons Attr. 3.0) with 2 accepted articles. (Spanish). Open Access.

DOMINGUEZ, C and KNIERBEIN, S (2014): Public space and urban policy (Original in Spanish: Espacio Público y las Políticas Urbanas Gestión y Ambiente. Vol. 17, No. 1 August 2014, ISSN: 0124-177X (Print), ISSN: 2357-5905 (Online, Creative Commons Attr. 3.0) with 9 accepted articles. (Spanish). Open Access.

DEGROS, A, KNIERBEIN, S und MADANIPOUR A (2014): Public space. Resilience and rhythm. Shaping robust environments. Derive Magazin für Stadtforschung. Vol 54. Issues 1/14 with 6 accepted articles. (German/English).

KNIERBEIN, S (2010): Public Spaces in Favoriten. Playful spatial games (Original in German: Öffentliche Räume in Favoriten. Playful spatial games). Werkstattbericht Nr. 107. Municipal Department 18 Urban Development and Urban Planning (ed.) created by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Department of Spatial Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, TU Wien. ISBN. 978-3-902576-35-4. Open access. (German/English)

Journal Articles

KNIERBEIN, S (2015): Target groups in spatial planning – an interjection (Original in German: Zielgruppen in der räumlichen Planung – Ein Zwischenruf), IN: Huning, Sandra, Kuder, Thomas and Nuissl, Henning (Eds.) Stadtentwicklung, Planungstheorie und Planungsgeschichte auf dem Prüfstand. Herausforderungen für Forschung und Lehre. Sonderausgabe der Planungsrundschau, Berlin, Planungsrundschau. Pp. 51-66.

DEGROS, A, KNIERBEIN, S and MADANIPOUR, A (2014): Resilience, rhythm, and public space. Shaping robust environments. Derive Magazin für Stadtforschung. Vol 54. Issue 1/14. Pp. 4-9.

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): Public spaces – urban cultural challenges between changes in design and societal shifts (Original in German: Öffentliche Räume – Stadtkulturelle Herausforderungen zwischen Gestaltwandel und gesellschaftlichem Wandel). IN: Architektenkammer Baden-Würtemberg. Z21 -Zukunftsfähige Stadtentwicklung Stuttgart. Z 21. Vorträge und Diskussionen. Pp. 70-79. Online Access

KNIERBEIN, S (2011): Public spaces in the attention economy (Original in German: Öffentliche Räume in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie). IN: Österreichische Forschungsgesellschaft  Straße, Schiene, Verkehr. Der öffentliche Raum. Ansprüche, Konflikte, Perspektiven. Vienna. FSV Schriftenreihe 008/2011. p. 29-30.

KNIERBEIN, S (2010): Aspern – an urban replica brought to life. On the role of conceived and lived public spaces in the future European city. A commentary (Original in German: Aspern – Einer städtebaulichen Replik Leben einhauchen. Zur Rolle konzipierter und gelebter öffentlicher Räume in der zukünftigen Europäischen Stadt. Ein Kommentar). In: Vision und Wirklichkeit. Die Instrumente des Städtebaus. Aspern City Lab. Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG (Eds.). Vienna. Pp. 70-73.

KNIERBEIN, S und SCHEUVENS, R (2010): Playful spatial games. Über die Kunst, sich selbst zu vergessen (On the art of forgetting oneself) (German/English) In: Werkstattbericht Nr. 107 Öffentliche Räume in Favoriten. Playful spatial games. Vienna. Municipal Department 18 Urban Development and Urban Planning (Eds.), Pp. 137-146.

KNIERBEIN, S (2010): Breathing the city – Favoriten spielerisch erforschen (Playfully explore Favoriten). Editorial (German/English.) In: Werkstattbericht Nr. 107  Öffentliche Räume in Favoriten. Playful spatial games. Vienna. Municipal Division 18 Urban Development and Urban Planning (Ed.), Pp. 19-27.

Catalogue Contributions

KNIERBEIN, S. and ULLMANN, A. (2023): Öffentliche Räume der Kultur. Community zwischen Curating und Kapitalismus. In: Belvedere (ed.) Public Matters. Zeitgenössische Kunst im Belvedere Garten. PP. 104-114. (in German and English)


KNIERBEIN, S (2020) Critique of Everyday Life in the 21 st Century Lived Space and Capitalist Urbanization. Habilitation Treatise at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning. TU Wien, Austria. Submitted April 2020. Defended May 2021.

KNIERBEIN, S (2008): The production of central public spaces in the attention economy. Aesthetic, economic, and media restructuring: the example of Berlin since 1980 (Original in German: Die Produktion zentraler öffentlicher Räume in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. Ästhetische, ökonomische und mediale Restrukturierungen am Beispiel Berlin seit 1980). Dissertation at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Submitted November 2008.

KNIERBEIN, S (2004): City squares in the micro-center of Cordoba (Argentina) and their perception (Original in German: Stadtplätze im Mikrozentrum von Córdoba (Argentinien) und ihre Wahrnehmung. Diploma thesis at the Hochschule Osnabrück. Submitted January 2004.


Book review by KNIERBEIN, S (Planungsrundschau 19, 12.10) On: Lehmann, Franziska (2008) Public space. Public Relations. Large-format advertising as a way of handling urban space. (Original in German: Über: Lehmann, Franziska (2008) Public space. Public Relations. Großformatige Werbung als Beispiel des Umgangs mit öffentlichen Räumen).

Book review by KNIERBEIN, S (Planungsrundschau 16, 04.09) On: Werner Rügemer (2008) Locusts in public space. Public-private partnerships – the anatomy of a global financial instrument (Original in German: Über: Werner Rügemer (2008) Heuschrecken im öffentlichen Raum. Public Private Partnership – Anatomie eines globalen Finanzinstruments).

Keynote Speeches, Conference Papers and Presentations, Podcasts, Videos

Care and Uncare. Contemporary challenges and opportunities for urban democracies (title tbc, 30|10|2025)
Invited Keynote Speech Re-City Conference 2025, Urban Democracy and Radical Care. Tampere Universities. Finland.

Cities between Care and Crises. Why Embodied and Affective Encounters Matter for Reenacting Democracy Through Professional Practice. (10|10|2024)
Invited Keynote Speech at the 5th International Congress on Ambiances. Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa e Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Lisbon, Portugal

Quo Vadis Public Space in a Digital Age? Conceptual explorations of lived space and everyday life in urban studies (01|12|2021)
E-Lecture in the course of the Urban Machines Symposium. Organized by ListLab, Council for Sustainable Urbanism, a non-for-profit organization affiliated with the United Nations, and the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).

Care and the City (05|11|2021)
Online-Vortrag in the course of the BINA 2022 in Beograd, Serbia.Hosts: Architectural Faculty of Belgrade and Cultural Center Beograd.

Designing Places of Soulful Encounters? Everyday Life and the Dilemma of Care and Uncare in the City (20|10|2021)
Guest Lecture at the “Defining Publicness International Workshop” (jointly with A. Gabauer und K. Höftberger), Aristotle University of Thesaloniki,  Griechenland

Critique of Everyday Life in the 21st Century. Lived Space and Capitalist Urbanization. (10|05|2021)
Final Faculty-Wide Habilitation Defense Lecture Online.

Urban Society and Urban Relations. The New Relational Mainstream in Architecture  and Planning, and its Discontents (12|04|2021)
Focus: Urban Studies, Social Theory and Key Concepts (Online Rehearsal Lecture in the Course of the Faculty-Wide Habiliation Procedures)

Innovations in Urban Studies: Lived Space and Everyday Life 31|03|2021 Jim Morrow (University of Alberta, Canada) and Sabine Knierbein (TU Wien, Austria) in debate with Xenia Kopf (University of Salzburg and Mozarteum, Austria) invited e-conversation series organized by the North American Austria Centers (Institute for European Studies Berkeley, and others), supported by the Office of Science & Technology Austria in Washington D.C. (OSTA)

Quo Vadis Public Space. Conceptual explorations of lived space and everyday life in urban studies. (05|03|2021) The Public Space Research Group, City University of New York – CUNY Graduate Centre, USA, in collaboration with S. Low

InterActions. Implementing and Evaluating Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Teaching of Urban Form. (09|10|2020) Discussant during the e-EPUM Multiplier Event. Organised by the University of Cyprus, Cyprus.

Öffentlicher Raum und Wissenschaft (02|10|2020) Interview-Podcast Reihe Schall und Raum, Bremer Zentrum für Baukultur, S1E2, Published 8. November 2020 Open Access Podcast

Envisioning the Future City – Everyday Life, Public Space, Lived Space and Social Infrastructure. (24|09|2020) Webinar ‘A Year Without Public Space’ Series #5-4 Our Future Cities: Public Space Initiatives, Innovative Policies and Creative Actions to recover during and after the pandemic. Organisiert durch die Chinesische Universität in Hong Kong, das Journal of Public Space und UN Habitat. Veröffentlicht 27. October 2020 Youtube Video.

Diagnose #7 Interview Series ‘The City as a Driver for Societal Transformation’ (14|09|2020) Interview realized by Urban Design Students of TU Berlin, BB2040 Project, supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, published  10th November 2020. Open Access Video

International e-Seminar on Urban Form 2020 (03|09|2020) – Discussant at the InterActions Lobby Session. College of Architecture and Planning an der University of Utah. Salt Lake City. USA

Öffentlicher Raum n.C. (27|05|2020) Online-Diskussion organized by the Styrian Chamber of Architects, ZV der Architekten in der Steiermark Youtube Video

Socio-Spatial (In)Equalities and the Work of Care Session 1 Introduction. (27|05|2020) International Conference Care – Cities, Action, Research and Education, with N Cohen (Bar Ilan University Israel). TU Wien. Vienna, Austria.

Postdisziplinäre Stadtforschung. Alltagstheoretische Wendungen im Feld der Internationalen Urbanistik. (27|05|2020) Gastvortrag Ringvorlesung bei der ÖGS Sektion Stadtforschung. Vienna. AustriaOpen Access.

Städtischer Alltag, öffentlicher Raum und Klimawandel. Perspektiven aus der Stadtforschung. (24|09|2019)
Vortrag Oberösterreichischer Umweltkongress. Linz, Österreich.

Critical Pedagogy in Urban Design and Planning (13|07|2019)
Participation in AESOP Roundtable . AESOP Annual Conference 2019 in Universitá di Venezia, Italia.

Emerging Perspectives on Urban Morphologies. (11|07|2019)
Organisation and Moderation of AESOP Roundtable. AESOP Annual Conference 2019 in Universitá di Venezia, Italia.

Public Space vs. Lived Space. Limits and critique of public space research. (11|07|2019) Wissenschaftlicher Konferenzbeitrag während des Jahreskongresses der Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) an der Universitá di Venezia, Italien. Track 14 Tourism, Public Space and Urban Culture.

Studying Planning and Everyday Life in the 21st Century. (11|07|2019)
Wissenschaftlicher Konferenzbeitrag während des Jahreskongresses der Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) an der Universitá di Venezia, Italien. Track 1 Theorizing Urban Change.

Neighbourhood change, community based responses and the role of local governments. (10|07|2019) Participation in AESOP Roundtable. AESOP Annual Conference 2019 in Universitá di Venezia, Italia.

Bridging Urban Form and Social Relations. An Urban Studies Perspective. (19|12|2018)
Geladene Online-Keynote Speech an der Universität “La Sapienza” Rom im Zuge des Erasmus+ Projektes EPUM “Emerging Perspectives on Urban Morphologies”. Rom/Italien und Wien/Österreich.

Gelebte Räume in der Stadt. Zwischen Widerstand, Emanzipation und Alltag (20|11|2018)
Geladene Keynote Speech an der Hochschule Luzern, Department für Soziale Arbeit. Luzern, Schweiz.

Planning Theory and Lived Space – Revisiting the Critique of Everyday Life in the 21st Century (08|11|2018)
Geladene Keynote Speech während des Internationalen Workshops “Everyday geographies of public space. Imaginations and practices in Florence” am Labor für Soziale Geographie (LaGeS), Universität Florenz. Florenz, Italien.

Critique of Everyday Life and Post-Positivist Planning Theories (13|07|2018)
Wissenschaftlicher Konferenzbeitrag während des Jahreskongresses der Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) an der Chalmers University. Götheborg, Schweden.

Public Space Unbound. Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition (12|07|2018)
Öffentliche Buchpräsentation unter Einbindung mehrere AutorInnen und Diskutanten. Götheborg, Schweden.

Places: Experiencing Again, Structuring Anew, Revisiting Relevance (11|05|2018)
Auftaktworte zum Track I – Jahreskongresses der Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) an der Chalmers University. Götheborg, Schweden.

Emerging Perspectives on Urban Morphologies (19|05|2018)
Teilnehmerin Podiumsdiskussion. AESOP PSUC Internationale Konferenz “The Urbanization of (In)Justice”. Nikosia, Zypern.

Mapping urban morphologies of (in)justice (17|05|2018)
Gemeinsam mit Angelika Gabauer, Judith Lehner and Tihomir Viderman. PSUC Internationalen Konferenz “The Urbanization of (In)Justice” in Nicosia, Cyprus. Session-Moderation: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dikec. Nikosia, Zypern.

Planning Theory and Everyday Life (18|04|2018)
Öffentliche Abendvorlesimg. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung (FAR), TU Wien (TUW)Wien, Österreich.

Public Space – Between Crisis and Innovation (24|01|2018)
Geladener Vortrag an der  KTH Royal Institute of Technology Schweden in Stockholm im Rahmen der Erasmus+ Teaching Mobilität. Stockholm, Schweden.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space/ The Aesop Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (15|12|2017)
Geladene Stadtforschungsexpertin während des Workshops “Collaborative Research Exchange Workshop on Public Space Design and Social Cohesion” an der Universität in Cardiff. Session on “International professional and research organizations”. Cardiff, Wales.

Dialogues and bridges between institutions and self-organization practices for a collaborative territorial planning and management (12|12|2017)
Geladene Diskutantin Internationale Konferenz  “Cities and Self-Organization”, La Sapienza University Rom. Organisation: Tracce Urbane, Italienisches Stadtforschungsnetzwerk. Rom, Italien.

Urban Emancipation (14|09|2017)
Geladene Keynote Speech während des Vienna Humanities Festival 2017. Organisation: Wien Museum. Vienna, Austria.

City Unsilenced – Public space and urban democracy on trial (14|07|2017)
Organisation Runder Tisch, No RT 21. AESOP Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Gemeinsam mit M. Owens (Berkeley, US),  und E. Kränzle (TU Wien, Austria).

Introduction to AESOP Thematic Group PSUC (13|07|2017)
Organisation Treffen Thematische Gruppe. AESOP Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Gemeinsam mit G. Esposito de Vita (Naples, Italy).

The Critique of Everyday Life and Post-Positivist Planning (12|07|2017)
Wissenschaftlicher Konferenzbeitrag. Track 1 Planning Theory. AESOP Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

City Unsilenced – Public space and urban resistance in the age of shrinking democracy (12|07|2017)
Organisation Sondersession T4.S25. AESOP Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. gemeinsam mit N. Roskamm (FH Erfurt, Germany),  und E. Kränzle (TU Wien).

City Unsilenced: Urban resistance and worlded urbanism. (20|06|2017)
Öffentliche Abendvorlesung, TU Wien, Austria.

La ciudad no calla. Nuevos paisajes de solidaridad y de resistencia urbanas. (13|06|2017)
Geladene Keynote Speech, 2ndo Congreso Internacional de Paisaje Urbano, Barcelona, Spanien. Youtube Video

Revisiting contemporary ‘urbanisms’: Public space as vehicle for urban renewal, urban densification and urban restructuring (10|04|2017) Geladene Keynote Speech, Chair Track 3, AESOP YA Meeting 2017, TU München, Deutschland.

Für Städte! Für Menschen? Attention! Kooperative Stadtmöblierung in Berlin zwischen 1980 und 2008. (07|04|2017)
Geladene Keynote Speech. Symposium “Hacking Urban Furniture” at Berlin Centre for Arts and Urbanism, Germany (ZK/U).

Urban temporalities – Caught between linear industrial time and everyday cyclic rhythms. (29|03|2017)
Auftaktworte Session 2. International Conference “Unsettled. Urban Routines, Temporalities and Contestations” (gemeinsam mit Ed Wall, University Greenwich, UK).

Hacking urban furniture workshop. (16|12|2016)
Expertin Wissenschaftlicher Beirat am ZK/U Berlin, Deutschland.

Radical dialectics, urban inequality and everyday resistance. (11|10|2016) Gastvorlesung, Aristotel Universität, Thessaloniki, Griechenland.

Public space and housing affairs, and ‘resistance combined’. (06|07|2016) Geladenes Impulsreferat, Summer School on Urban Studies, Universität Wien, Österreich.

Lived space dialectics. Combined activism and relational counter space. (11|05|2016) Öffentliche Abendvorlesung, TU Wien, Österreich.

Public space, housing affairs, and the dialectics of lived space. (10|12|2015) About silences, absences and the public articulation of critique. Geladener Hauptvortrag, Jahreskonferenz Stadtforschungsnetzwerk TRACCE. Politecnico di Milano, Mailand, Italien.

Öffentliche Räume als Handlungsarena für den urbanen Strukturwandel in Europa. (24|11|2015) Geladenes Ko-Referat. AK-Konferenz „Wien wächst – Öffentlicher Raum“, Arbeiterkammer, Wien, Österreich.

Planning theory, public space and open innovation? (25|09|2015) Geladenes Impulsvortrag, Citta, 8th Annual Conference on Planning Research/AESOP Thematic Group Meeting, Porto, Portugal.

Social innovation, open innovation and public space. (17|09|2015) Geladenes Impulsreferat, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Seismic Workshop, Wien, Österreich.

Embodied practice and relational public space. Bridging critical social practice, planning and design through education. (23|07|2015) Präsentation wissenschaftliches Papier. AESOP Annual Conference 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.

Public space between crisis, innovation and utopia (23|06|2015) Ted X Vortrag. Salon Wien (geladen), MAK, Akademie der Angewandten Künste, Wien, Österreich.

Enquete: Die Urbane Stadt. Herausforderungen für Wohnbau und Stadtentwicklung (17|06|2015) Moderation Session 1: „Urbane Vielfalt – Zwischen Mythos, Wirklichkeit und Anspruch” (mit A. Eisinger, L. Licka, K. Bayer und R. Gutmann), TU Wien.

Öffentliche Räume zwischen Krise und Innovation – Einsichten und Thesen aus der Europäischen Stadtforschung. (24|04|2015) Geladener wissenschaftlicher Impulsbeitrag, Sinclair Haus Gespräche 2015, Meeting, “Die Bürger und ihr öffentlicher Raum“, Bad Homburg, Deutschland.

Smart City Wien. Innovationen für die Stadt (05|03|2015) Moderation der Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Smart Cities Ausstellung, ‘Planungswerkstatt’ der Stadt Wien, Wien, Österreich.

Vital Public Spaces: Promoting Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements through Designing and Managing Public Spaces. (24|02|2015) Geladene Teilnahme, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Genf, Schweiz.

Artists reclaiming the city (31|10|2014) Diskutantin, Spaces Conference Vienna. The artist as activist in public space: Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, Wien, Österreich.

Urban studies revisited – Taking public space epistemology seriously (23|10|2014) Gastvortrag am Laboratoire Architecture Anthropologie des Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, Frankreich.

Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe (29|09|2014) Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Buchvorstellung Italian Research Council, Neapel, Italien.

Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe (01|07|2014) Geladener Impulsvortrag im Rahmen der WWTF Summer School „Appropriations of public spaces in transition“,Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Uni Wien, Österreich.

Beyond Lefebvre. A transdisciplinary challenge. (24|06|2014) Evening Dialog, gemeinsam konzipiert und ausgerichtet mit Prof. Rob Shields (University of Alberta, Canada) und Prof. Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria), sowie lokalen NGOs. Wien, Österreich.

Becoming local -­ Networking event of the Association of European Schools of Planning’s Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (09|04|2014) UN Habitat World Urban Forum 7 Medellin, Ausrichtung Networking Event 81 (Englisch), mit Gastinputs aus Kolumbien, England, Argentinien und Bangladesch. Medellín, Kolumbien.

Desafíos para la política de espacios públicos en América Latina y Europa (09|04|2014) UN Habitat World Urban Forum 7 Medellin, Ausrichtung Side Event 5 (spanisch) , in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Cristina Dominguez, Catedra Libre de Espacio Publico y Sociedad, Universidad de La Plata (Argentina). Medellín, Kolumbien.

Espacios públicos y los desafíos de la transformación urbana en Europa (08|04|2014) Geladener Gastvortrag Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Medellín, Kolumbien.

Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe (21|01|2012) Vortrag und Diskussion im Rahmen der Buchpräsentation an der TU Wien, gemeinsam mit A. Madanipour und A. Degros. Wien, Österreich.

My place, their place, our place – Education and difference in urban research (21|01|2014) Eröffnungsrede Internationales Symposium, gemeinsam mit Prof. Jeff Hou. Wien, Österreich.

The societal production of public space: Civil society, the state and markets (22|10|2014) Geladener Impulsvortrag „Res Publica. International Workshop.“ Organisiert durch den Fachbereich für Finanzwissenschaft und Infrastrukturpolitik TU Wien. Wien, Österreich.

Human Scale Film Podiumsdiskussion (07|10|2013) Geladener Experteninput während Podiumsdiskussion im Filmcasino während der Architekturmatinee, Urbanize Festival 2013. Wien, Österreich.

Introduction to public space – Between everyday life and planning utopia (07|10|2013) Public Lecture. Stadtforschungsfestival Urbanize, ausgerichtet von Derive Magazin für Stadtforschung. Wien, Österreich.

Straßenmärkte als Schauplätze des Wirtschaftens in Wien und Budapest (14|01|2013) Geladener Gastvortrag Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie und Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Uni Wien, gemeinsam mit J. Aigner. Österreich.

Conviviality. Annual issue of the Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (06|12|2012) Ambivalent Landscapes Conference. Introduction to Thematic Group Work. Lissabon, Portugal.

Stadt selber machen. Einem nicht ganz neuen Phänomen auf der Spur. (14|10|2012) 4min Input während Kunstintervention O. Hangl im Prater, ExpertInnen der Stadtforschung lesen – Zuhörer schweben im Fliegenden Teppich über die Stadt (mit Kopfhörern). Urbanize Festival 2012. Wien, Österreich.

Public Spaces – Urban Cultures (22|05|2012) Geladener Gastvortrag am Lehrstuhl für Sustainable Urbanism. TU München. Deutschland.

Emerging urban cultures (09|04|2012) Auftaktvortrag während WTZ Symposium „Politicas de los espacios publicos en cambio.“ Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (CEUR-Conicet), Buenos Aires WTZ Symposium (Skype Lecture)

Reclaiming the Street – Panel Discussion (15|03|2012) Human Cities Conference Brussels. Belgien.

Public.Private (09|03|2012) Buchpräsentation in Budapest, Labor Artist Space Budapest, gemeinsam mit Matthias Megyeri, in Kooperation mit dem Goethe Institut Budapest

Conviviality. Annual issue of the Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (11|11|2011) Workshop Italian Research Council, University. Naples, Italy.

Public Space and the Politcal Agenda: Cohesion? Competition? Culture (07|09|2011) Paper presentation during CRESC Conference „Framing the City“, Centre for Research on SocioCultural Change, Manchester, England.

Beyond disciplinary confusion – Epistemologies of public space (05|07|2011) External Reviewer Input Project „Public Space 2.0“, gefördert durch den Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfond, Peek Programm zur Erschließung und Entwicklung der Künste (Schwerpunkt Artistic Research), TU Wien. Österreich.

Conviviality. Annual issue of the Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (26|05|2011) – Human Cities Projekt Workshop meets Aesop Thematic Group Workshop. Ljubljana, Slowenien.

Öffentliche Räume in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie (20|05|2011) FSV Verkehrsplaner-Seminar in Rust, Neusiedler See, Österreich.

Wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit in öffentlichen Räumen? (13|05|2011) Geladener Experteninput. Symposium des Wiener Forschungsprojekts “Nachhaltiger Urbaner Platz“.  MA22 in Kooperation mit umweltpsychologischer Praxis Ehmayer. Wien, Österreich.

Öffentliche Räume. Stadtkulturelle Herausforderungen zwischen Gestaltungsqualität und gesellschaftlichem Wandel (03|05|2011) Geladener Abendvortrag. Veranstaltungsreihe Zukünftige Stadtentwicklung Stuttgart. Session Stadt und Freiraum. Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg, Haus der Architekten. Stuttgart, Deutschland.

Stadtkultur, Vielfalt und Innovation?  Integrierende Weichenstellungen in Landschaftsarchitektur und Urbanistik (28|04|2011) Geladener Tagungsbeitrag. 8. Internationaler Tag der Freiräume, Hochschule Osnabrück, Deutschland.

Lerchenfelder Straße. Schöne Aussichten? Vorträge – Gespräche – Diskussionen. (09|03|2011) Impulsstatement während des Symposiums der Forschungsprojektsynopse Wien.  Kuratiert von Angela Heide und Elke Krasny. Moderiert von Angelika Fitz. Wien, Österreich. 

LATAM URBANA – Bericht über das Treffen internationaler und interdisziplinärer Forschender zur Lateinamerikanischen Stadt. (03|12|2010) Geladener Beitrag, Expertentag.  Workshop zur Intensivierung der deutsch-chilenischen Forschungskooperation, Lehrstuhl für Planungstheorie. RWTH Aachen, Deutschland.

Public Space Wien (20|11|2010) Podiumsteilnehmerin Diskussion Architekturzentrum Wien. Österreich.

Understanding Stadtforschung (01|10|2010) Podiumsteilnehmerin Diskussion Urbanize – Deríve Stadtforschungsfestival. Wien, Österreich.

The Production of public spaces: Competition. Cohesion. Culture? (25|09|2010) Invited Conference Speech. After the Cultural City Conference: New Positions for Culture in Urban Development’ European Capital of Culture 2010. Pécs, Ungarn.

Public spaces in Berlin as strategic sphere for capital accumulation. For cities. For people? Attention! (23|09|2010) Keynote Speech Social Street Conference, 7th Urban and Landscape Days, Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Architecture. Tallinn, Estland.

Chancen und Risiken der langfristigen Einbettung des Großprojektes in den städtischen Zusammenhang: Auswirkungen auf das bahnhofsnahe Favoriten. (16|09|2010) Experteninput während des Gebietsbetreuungs-Aktionstag “Stadt Auf-Stadt Ab”. Wien, Österreich.

Öffentliche Räume als Vehikel zwischen gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt und wirtschaftlichem Standortwettbewerb. (13|09|2010) Planungsakademie .Herausforderung öffentlicher Raum. MA 19 Magistrat der Stadt Wien. Wien, Österreich.

Central public spaces as Interfaces between Cohesion and Competition: Why ‘culture’ matters. (09|07|2010) AESOP International Conference. University of Helsinki, Finnland.

Die Produktion zentraler öffentlicher Räume in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. Für Städte! Für Menschen? Attention! (04|06|2010) Jahrestagung des Council of European Urbanism Deutschland. Berlin, Deutschland.

Stadtproduktion durch Out-of-Home Medien. (04|12|2009) Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Hotspots der Stadtentwicklung. Institut für Stadtentwicklung und Bauwirtschaft. Universität Leipzig. Deutschland.

The Production of Central Public Spaces in Berlin since 1980: the State, the Market and the Rise of the Economy of Attention. (25|11|2009) Urban Research and Architecture: Beyond Lefebvre Conference. ETH Zürich. Schweiz.

Public spaces and urban culture. Teaching revisited. (16|07|2009) Paper Präsentation. SKuOR Roundtable Session on “Planning education in the field of urban culture and public space”. AESOP International Conference. University of Liverpool. Liverpool, UK.

The production of public spaces and the economy of attention. (16|07|2009) Paper Präsentation. AESOP International Conference. University of Liverpool. Liverpool, UK.

Die Produktion zentraler öffentlicher Räume in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie. Ästhetische, ökonomische und mediale Restrukturierungen durch gestaltwirksame Koalitionen in Berlin seit 1980. (29|06|2009) Öffentliche Disputation. Institut für Europäische Urbanistik, Fakultät Architektur, Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Deutschland.

The postfordist production of public spaces and the politics of attention. (20|03|2009) Paper Präsentation. PhD Seminar on Public Space. TU Delft. Niederlande.

Erneute urbanistische Praktiken der kooperativen Produktion öffentlicher Räume: Akteure, Ambivalenzen, Aussichten. (20|06|2008) Impulsreferat PT-Tagung “Die Koproduktion der öffentlichen Räume in den Städten“, Lehrstuhl für Planungstheorie und Stadtentwicklung. RWTH Aachen. Deutschland.

Städtische öffentliche Räume als Handlungssphäre eines multinational agierenden Stadtmöblierungssektors: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo und Berlin (02|05|2008) Vortrag ATTAC-Sommerakademie. Leipzig, Deutschland.

Publicly owned open spaces and design-related coalitions in Berlin (16|04|2008) Paper Präsentation. Conference Session on Third Way Urban Policies, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Boston, Massachussets, USA.

Borders by urban design (07|02|2008) Paper Präsentation. 2nd AESOP Young Academics Annual Meeting “Looking beyond one’s nose. Planning, policies and institutions for integration” North Western Academy of Public Administration. St. Petersburg, Russland.

Entendiendo espacios públicos – una mirada desde el punto de vista de estudios urbanos europeos (12|12|2007) Gastvortrag Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRR). Seropédica, Brasilien.

Parcerias públicas-privadas y espacio público: los casos de Rio de Janeiro y Berlin (11|12|2007) Gastvortrag Programa de Posgraduação em Urbanismo (PROURB). Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Brasilien.

Servicios urbanos para equipar espacios públicos en Berlin: concessiones, compensaciones y concentraciones (06|12|2007) Gastvortrag Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (PPG-AU) Universidade Federal da Bahia. Brasilien.

El paisajísmo aleman: reflexiones históricas y desafíos contemporáneos (23|11|2007) Gastvortrag Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (FAU) Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Brasilien.

Gobernanza urbana y espacios públicos: el caso de Berlin (21|11|2007) Gastvortrag FAU-USP. São Paulo, Brasilien.

Desafíos para la investigación de espacios públicos: respondiendo a la complejidad (06|11|2007) Gastvortrag PROURB, UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.

Public spaces in Berlin. Politics. Economy. Planning? (10|10|2007) Paper Präsentation. Deutsch-Belgisches Doktorandenkolloquium. Veranstaltungsort: Landesvertretung des Freistaats Thüringen. Berlin, Deutschland.

The contemporary production of central public spaces. Service concessions. Risk transfer. Incentive Planning (13|07|2007) Paper Präsentation. XXI. AESOP Conference. Planning for the risk Society. Dealing with uncertainty, challenging the future. Neapel, Italien.

Public planning policy and central public spaces. (09|07|2007) Paper Präsentation. AESOP PhD Workshop. Paestum, Italien.

Central public spaces as market sphere for supra-local businesses – the case of Berlin (08|06|2007) Präsentation Dissertationsvorhaben. 3rd  PHD Colloqium Helsinki-Weimar-Roma, “Current Projects in European Spatial Research” Helsinki University of Technology, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Helsinki, Finnland.

Die Produktion zentraler öffentlicher Räume im Kontext von Urban Governance) (13|04|2007) Präsentation des Dissertationsvorhabens. Doktorandenforum „Gesellschaft“ der  Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Weil der Stadt. Deutschland.

Public private partnership and public space design: The street furniture and outdoor advertising sector as innovative partner for urban development? (03|04|2007) Paper Präsentation. International Conference on “New concepts and approaches for urban and regional policy and planning”. Catholic University of Leuven. Belgien.

Formal public space production and social exclusion (08|02|2007) Paper Präsentation. 1st AESOP Young Academics Meeting “Spatial research on CEE-cities” Spectra – Central European Research and Training Centre in Spatial Planning, Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture. Bratislawa, Slowakei.

Shaping central public spaces – design related partnerships in Berlin and Rio de Janeiro (25|11|2006) Paper Präsentation. International Conference, FUTURE, part of the Marie Curie Fellowship Programme by the European Commission. Örebrö, Schweden.

Arte e Paisagismo no Espaço Público – Estudios de caso sobre os projetos alemães Park Fiction y Parque Paisagístico Duisburg Nord (experiencia IBA Emscher Park) (18|10|2006) Gastvortrag PROURB-UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.

La producción de espacios públicos en Berlin: impactos territoriales y política de coaliciones entre agentes públicos y agentes del mercado (28|09|2006) Gastvortrag PROURB-UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.

Espacios abiertos y política urbana: el caso de Berlin (04|09|2006) Gastvortrag Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño  (FAUD-UNC). Córdoba, Argentinien.

Metropolitan public spaces within the context of global change – Changed constellations of stakeholder groups, new financing and steering strategies and their spatial effects in the case of Berlin since 1980 (01|12|2005) Präsentation Dissertationsvorhaben. 1. Internationales Doktorandenkolloquium, Dipartimento de Studi urbani, Facoltà di Architettura, Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Rom, Italien.

La investigación perceptual  – Herramientas paisajísticas para el analisis urbano del espacio público (27|04|2005) Gastvortrag PROURB-UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.

Las plazas céntricas de Córdoba – una mirada paisajística. Presentación de un libro sobre Córdoba, sus plazas y la percepción espacial (15|04|2005) Gastvortrag Stadtverwaltung Córdoba. Argentinien.

Introducción general a la história del paisajísmo y del arte del jardín en Europa (14|04|2005) Gastvortrag Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Psicología. Córdoba, Argentinien.

Las plazas céntricas de Córdoba – Una perspectiva urbanista europea (13|04|2005) Gastvortrag Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño  (FAUD-UNC). Córdoba, Argentinien.

El paisajismo en Europa: reflexiones históricas y desafíos contemporáneas (08|04|2005) Gastvortrag Pontifícia Universidade Católica. Rio de Janeiro (PUC), Brasilien in Kooperation mit dem Escritorio Roberto Burle Marx.

Evolución histórica del paisajismo en Europa y su rol para el espacio público (30|03|2005) Gastvortrag PROURB-UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.

Schleichende Reduktion der funktionalen Diversität gestalteter Stadtplätze in Argentinien – Perzeptionsforschung als Instrument für die Inwertsetzung des Öffentlichen Raumes (21|01|2005) Vorstellung der Ergebnisse der Diplomarbeit, 2. Tagung des Kompetenznetzwerkes Lateinamerika der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie. Passau, Deutschland.

Stays Abroad


Germany. EU 4th Consortium Meeting. Tactics – Erasmus Mundus Design Measure Project. Leuphana University Lüneburg. (November 2024)

Cyprus. AESOP Thematic Group Symposium “Constructing Peace through Public Space: What publics? Whose commons? AESOP TG Co-Cordinator and informal  EU Consortium Meeting. Tactics – Erasmus Mundus Design Measure Project. Online Report (May 2024)

Irland. EU 2nd Consortium Meeting. Tactics – Erasmus Mundus Design Measure Project. Cork University of the Creative Arts (UCC Creative). (February 2024)


France. EU 1st Consortium Meeting. Tactics – Erasmus Mundus Design Measure Project. University of Rennes2. CAPS Programme. (December 2023)

Germany. 2nd Research Mission as regards the urbanistic integration of the Elbphilharmonie within the Hafen City and the wider Hamburg region, Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg.


Germany. 1st Research Mission as regards the urbanistic integration of the Elbphilharmonie within the Hafen City and the wider Hamburg region, Hafen City University, Hamburg


Greece. Erasmus Teaching Exchange, Faculty of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki.

Italy. Visiting Scholar at the Laboratorio di Geografia Sociale – LAGeS (, Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo – SAGAS, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy.


Cyprus. Erasmus+ Project Student Workshop, University of Cyprus, in collaboration with further institutions: University of Porto, La Sapienza Rome, TU Wien and Space Syntax London Ltd.


Sweden.  Erasmus Teaching Exchange, Centre for the Future of Places, Department of Urban Planning and Environment.  KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.


Italy. Erasmus Teaching Exchange, Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza Università di Roma. Rom.


Greece. Erasmus Teaching Exchange, Faculty of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki.

Greece. Transatlantischer Expertenworkshop in Athen, organisiert durch die Bertelsmann Foundation Washington Branch und den German Marshall Funds in Kooperation mit dem Athens Resilience Office “Placemaking for enhancing urban equity in Athens”, Athen.


Croatia. Wissenschaftliche-Technische Kooperation (WTZ) mit dem Department of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Kroatien. Gefördert durch das BMWF, Österreich (via OEAD) und das Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb.

Spain. Offenes Seminar/Exkursion „Urbanismo Afectivo“, eine Kooperation zwishcen Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas (VIC), Intermediae Madrid und dem Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (TU Wien), Madrid.


France. Erasmus Teaching Austausch, Architectural Anthropology Laboratory, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, Paris.

Croatia. Wissenschaftliche-Technische Kooperation (WTZ) mit dem Department of Architectural Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Kroatien. Gefördert durch das BMWF, Österreich (via OEAD) und das Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb.

Columbia. Organisation eines Side Events und eines Networking  Meeting während des World Urban Forum in Medellin; Gastvortrag an der  Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín.

seit 2008

Austria. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, TU Wien.


Brasil. Gastforschungsaufenthalte am PROURB, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, im Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (PPG-AU), Universidade Federal da Bahia sowie an der Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (FAU)Universidade de São Paulo (USP).


Brasil. Gastforschungsaufenthalt PROURB, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.


Brasil. Gastforschungsaufenthalt PROURB, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.


Argentina. 2. Praktisches Studiensemester Dirección General de Paisaje Urbano, Municipalidad de Córdoba, Córdoba.


England 1. Praktisches Studiensemester NJTLC Landscape Consultants, London.

Academic Events – Concept, fundraising, organization, execution, settlement, documentation


09|2020 1st Urban Studies Webinar – Power to Co-Produce.
Careful Power Distribution in Collaborative City-Making.
Team-Coaching, Funding
One-day International Webinar, organised by Burcu Ateş, Predrag Milic, Laura Sobral and Sabine Knierbein. TU Wien. Approx. 60 Participants.

11|2019 CARE. Cities, Action, Research and Education.
3rd International Conference in Urban Studies
Direction, Team coordination
Three-days International Conference, jointly curated with  Assoc Prof Dr. Tigran Haas (KTH Stockholm and MIT), Angelika Gabauer MSc (TU Wien), Dr. Nir Cohen (Bar Ilan, Israel), Dr. Henrik Lebuhn (HU Berlin), Dr. Kim Trogal (University of the Creative Arts Canterbury) and Tihomir Viderman MSc (BTU Cottbus), ca. 160 Teilnehmende.

03|2017 Unsettled. Urban Routines, Temporalities and Contestations. International Conference 2017 Direction, Team coordination
Three-days International Conference, jointly curated with Prof. Dr. Sybille Frank (TU Darmstadt, Germany), Elina Kränzle MSc, Prof. Dr. Nikolai Roskamm (FH Erfurt, Germany), Tihomir Viderman MSc und Academic Leader Ed Wall (University of Greenwhich, UK).  Approx. 160 Participants.

10|2016 Solidarity and the Making of Lived Heritage: networks, places and practices, Thessaloniki, Griechenland. Coorganisation TU Wien. Five-day academic excursion to Thessaloniki, conceived as exchange between students and faculty of  TU Wien and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). Approx. 50 participants.

04|2015 Public life. Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter. Direction, Team coordination Two-day international PhD Symposium, curated with Prof. Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) and Prof. Dr. Rob Shields (University of Alberta, Canada).  ca. 80 participants.

02|2015 Affective Urbanism (Urbanismo Afectivo). Politics of care and spaces of public concern. Public Seminar, Madrid, Spain Co-organization Vienna UT Five-day academic excursion to Madrid, designed as a public seminar in Madrid. With Prof. Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts) und Mauro Gil Fournier (Estudio SIC Madrid)  ca. 20 participants.

10|2014 Becoming Local Paris. Transforming spaces, redefining localities. International Conference  Scientific Advisory Board and co-organization as AESOP Thematic Group Partner Lead organizer with Maria Anita Palumbo and Federica Gatta, Architectural Anthropology Laboratory, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, France. Becoming Local European Academic Event Series 2013-2015, AESOP TG Public Spaces and Urban Cultures ca. 60 participants.

08 – 09|2014 Directorship of WWTF Summer School: Designing Places of Emancipation? Team coordination of the scientific collective Seven-day Summer School within the framework of the WWTF research project of the same name in cooperation with the Department of Local Spatial Planning, Vienna UT, the Future Lab Platform of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, as well as the Department of Spatial Planning. ca. 80 participants.

29|08|2014 Becoming Local Vienna Direction One-day network meeting Becoming Local Event Series 2013-2015, AESOP Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures. Vienna UT. Vienna. ca. 40 participants.

06|2014 Beyond Lefebvre. A transdisciplinary challenge Direction, Team coordination Evening dialogue designed and directed with Prof. Rob Shields (University of Alberta, Canada) and Prof. Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria), as well as local NGOs. Vienna, Austria. ca. 30 participants.

01|2014 My Place, Their Place, Our Place – Education and difference in urban research. International January Symposium 2014. Direction, Team coordination Three-day scientific symposium, curated with Prof. Jeff Hou (University of Washington, Seattle, USA). ca. 80 participants.

02|2012 Urban Cultures – Stadtkultur. International February Workshop 2012. Direction, Team coordination Three-day intercultural research workshop, curated with Prof. Dr. Sophie Watson (Open University, UK). ca. 50 participants.

11|2011 Policy challenges in public space in Buenos Aires und Vienna (Original in German: Herausforderungen für die Politik des öffentlichen Raumes) Direction Two-day Austrian-Argentinian symposium within the framework of the WTZ research project of the same name at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space,  Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, Vienna UT, and the Center for Urban and Regional Studies, CONICET-CEUR. Buenos Aires as well as Universidad de La Plata, Chair for Public Space and Society. Argentina. ca. 15 participants.

11|2010 Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe: Politics and Culture. International November Conference 2010. Direction, Team coordination Two-day international conference, curated with Prof. Dr. Ali Madanipour (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England) und DI Aglaée Degros (Artgineering Rotterdam, Netherlands). In cooperation with the City of Vienna. ca. 160 participants.

06|2010 The ambivalence of urban development in the attention economy. Annual Meeting of the Council for European Urbanism, Germany (Original in German: Ambivalenzen von Stadtentwicklung im Aufmerksamkeitswettbewerb. Jahrestagung des Council for European Urbanism Deutschland) Coordination of university cooperation: Vienna UT, University of Kassel, Bauhaus University Weimar, and Berlin UT One-day expert symposium on the occasion of the publication of my dissertation “The production of central public spaces in the attention economy. Aesthetic, economic, and media restructuring: the example of Berlin since 1980“ in cooperation with Prof. Uwe Altrock, Prof. Harald Bodenschatz and Prof. Max Welch Guerra;  content conceptualized with Prof. Altrock. Landesvertretung des Freistaates Thüringen beim Bund. Berlin. ca. 120 participants.

09|2009 Intraurban cultural exchange and the urban periphery: Breathing the city through the lungs of your fellow citizen’s neighborhood. European September Academy 2009. Direction, Team coordination Seven-day European Summer School, designed and directed with Prof. em. Thomas Sieverts (Darmstadt UT) und Dr. phil. Chiara Tornaghi (University of Leeds, UK), Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning. Vienna UT. ca. 40 participants.

10|2007 German-Belgian Doctoral Colloquium. Organization (with Dr. Barbara van Dyck) Academic cooperation event for the SP2SP project (University of Antwerp, Catholic University of Leuven, University of Ghent) and the Bauhaus University Weimar. Landesvertretung des Freistaats Thüringen, Berlin, Germany. ca. 30 participants.

08|2007 – 01|2008 Transdisciplinary workshop – calls for public space – German-Brazilian perspectives (Original in German: Transdisziplinäre Werkstattgespräche zum Öffentlichen Raum – Deutsch-brasilianische Perspektiven). Coordination of university cooperation: Martin Luther University Halle, Berlin University of Technology, at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany A cycle of communal activities with students from Halle, Berlin, and Weimar, designed with Dr. Kathrin Wieck and Dr. Anja Steglich. ca. 90 participants. 

Teaching Activities


Coordination of Courses (Curricula: Spatial Planning, Architecture)

Master module: Urban Productivity. New Public Space, Youth Integration and Labour Market Access
12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EX) – W 2019/20 

Master/Doctoral Student Thesis Seminar “Urban Studies”
3 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2019/20

Master project: Learning in the Postmigrational City
12 ECTS, 1 course (PR) – S 2019

Doctorate Seminar: Key Concepts in Planning Theory and Urban Studies
3 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – S 2019

Master module:Urban Citizenship. Public Space, Post-Migrational Perspectives and Civic Innovation
12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EX) – W 2018/19

Master/Doctoral Student Thesis Seminar “Urban Studies”
3 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2018/19

Master module: Urban Culture, Public Space and Housing
12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EX) – S 2018

Doctoral Seminar: How to publish a paper in urban studies or planning theory?
3 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – S 2018

Seminar: EPUM Innovative Perspectives on Urban Morphologies – A relational-material approach
6 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – S 2018

Excursion to South-East London – Urban Agendas caught between local needs and global pressures
3 ECTS, 1 course (excursion) – W 2017/18

Master project: Lost in “Transdanubia” – Translating the global urban agenda through local urban action
12 ECTS, 1 course (PR) – W 2017/18

Thesis Seminar
3 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2017/18

PhD Thesis Seminar: Doing Urban Studies 3 ECTS, 1 course (seminar (SE)), in cooperation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – S 2017

Master Module: Urban Culture and Public Space. Exploring Urban Futures(s): Urban Equity 12 ECTS, 3 courses (lecture (LE), SE, exercise (EXE)) – S 2017

Master Studio-Project: Solidarity and the Making of Lived Heritage: Networks, Places and Practices 12 ECTS, 1 course (project (PRO)), in cooperation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – W 2016/17

PhD/Master Thesis Seminar: Urban Studies Revisited 4 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2016/17

Master Module: Urban Culture and Public Space. Exploring Urban Present(s) 12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EXE) – S 2016

PhD/Master Thesis Seminar: Contemporary Planning Theory 4 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2015/16

Master Studio-Project: Displaced. Refugees and the City. (Im)Possibilities of Urban Planning, 12 ECTS, 1 course (PRO) – W 2015/16

Master module: Urban culture and public space. Exploring the past(s). 12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EXE) – S 2015

PhD/Master thesis seminar: Urban studies revisited. 3 ECTS, 1 course (SE), in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna – W 2014/15

Master module: Urban culture, public space. Counter planning from the grassroots. 12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EXE), in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna – W 2014/15

International Special Course: WWTF Summer School Designing Places of Emancipation? Action, Participation, Research. 6 ECTS, 2 courses (SE, EXE) – S 2014

Master module: Urban culture and public space: New public spaces of concern. 12 ECTS, 3 courses (LE, SE, EXE) – S 2014

PhD/Master thesis seminar: International urban studies revisited 3 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2013/14

Bachelor module: Introduction to urban studies – My place. Their place. Our place. 6 ECTS, 1 course (PRO) – W 2013/14

Master module: Urban culture, public space and resources. Aesthetics and materiality: The materialities of the invisible city 13 ECTS, 5 courses (LE, lecture exercise (LE-EXE), SE, EXE) -S 2012

PhD/Master thesis seminar: Contemporary urban theory 3,5 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2010/11

Master project – Economic interests in public spaces and urban culture in Vienna and Budapest – Local corporate responsibility and social innovation14 ECTS, 2 courses (PRO) – W 2010/11

Master module: Urban culture, public space and markets: Economy and innovation 13 ECTS, 5 courses (LE, LE-EXE, SE, EXE) – S 2011

Master project  – Behind the scenes. How do places come into being? Vienna Main Station and Aspern Lake City Mega Projects 14 ECTS, 3 courses (design studio (DES), PRO) – W 2010/11

PhD/Master thesis seminar: International urban studies 3,5 ECTS, 1 course (SE) – W 2010/11

Master module – Urban culture, public space and the state: Politics and planning 13 ECTS, 5 courses (LE, LE-EXE, SE, EXE) – S 2010

Master project – The ORF Story. 13 ECTS, 5 courses (LE, LE-EXE, SE, EXE) – W 2009/10

International Special Course: European September Academy 3,5 ECTS, 1 course (seminar) – W 2009/10

Master module – Urban culture, public space and the civil society. Culture and conflict 13 ECTS, 5 courses (LE, LE-EXE, SE, EXE) – S 2009


Teaching Activities since 2006 (Bachelor, Master- and PhD studies, Curricula: Spatial Planning, Architecture, Urban Studies, Art and Design, Open Space Planning)

Contemporary Urban Design Theory, 10|2017 – 02|2018
(Englisch, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Wall), PhD/Master, SE, FAR, TUW.

Lost in ‘Transdanubia’ – Translating the global agenda through local urban action, 10|2017 – 02|2018
(Englisch, 12 ECTS, Knierbein/Kränzle/Wagner/Wall), Master Projekt (PRO), FAR, TUW.

Strategies and Intervention of the Production of Space, 03|2017 – 06|2017 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Wall), Master, Lecture (LE), Faculty of Architecture and Planning (FAP), TU Wien (TUW).

Concepts and Critique of the Production of Space, 03|2017 – 06|2017 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Wall), Master, Seminar (SE), FAP, TUW.

Doing Urban Studies, 03|2017 – 06|2017 (English, 3 ECTS, Knierbein/Christodoulou), PhD, SE, FAP, TUW.

Social Space and Diversity: Urban Routines, Temporalities and Contestations – Mapping a conference, 03|2017 – 06|2017 (English, 4 ECTS, Kränzle/Knierbein/Kapsali), Bachelor/Master, Exercise (Exe), FAP, TUW.

Solidarity and the Making of Lived Heritage: Networks, Places & Practices, 10|2016 – 02|2017 (English, 12 ECTS, Frank/Knierbein), Master, Studio (STU), FAP, TUW, in cooperation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Erasmus Teaching Exchange: Lived Heritage and Spatial Solidarity in Greek cities, 10|2016 (English, 2 ECTS, Athanassiou/Christodoulou/ Knierbein/Viderman), PhD/Master, SE, FAP, TUW, in cooperation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Contemporary Urban Theory, 03|2016 – 06|2016 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Schwab), PhD/Master, SE, FAP, TUW.

Social Inequalities and New Urban (Im)Mobilities, 03|2016 – 06|2016 (English, 4 ECTS, Frank/Knierbein), Master, SE, FAP, TUW.

The European City. A Conceptual Framework in Crisis, 03|2016 – 06|2016 (English, 4 ECTS, Frank/Knierbein), Master, LE, FAP, TUW.

Social Inequalities and New Urban (Im)Mobilities, 03|2016 – 06|2016 (English, 4 ECTS, Frank/Knierbein), Master, SE, FAP, TUW.

The European City. A Conceptual Framework in Crisis, 03|2016 – 06|2016 (English, 4 ECTS, Frank/Knierbein), Master, LE, FAP, TUW.

Brussels Masterclass on Social Space and Diversity, 10|2015 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Kränzle), Master, LE, FAP, TUW, in cooperation with Aglaée Degros, Guest Professor at Vrije Universität Brussels, Belgium.

Refugees and the City. (Im)Possibilities of Urban Planning, 10|2015 – 02|2016 (English, 12 ECTS, Knierbein/Kränzle/Roskamm/Sirbegovic), Master, STU, FAP, TUW.

Contemporary Planning Theory, 10|2015 – 02|2016 (English, 2 SWS, Knierbein/Roskamm), PhD/Master, SE, FAP, TUW.

Exploring Urban Past(s). Strategies and Intervention of the Production of Space, 10|2015 – 02|2016 (English, 2 SWS, Knierbein/Roskamm), Master, LE, FAP, TUW.

Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter (Fokus: Planungs- und Raumtheorie), 03|2015 – 06|2015 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Viderman), exercise, master, faculty for architecture and planning (AR), TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Strategies and interventions of space production, 03|2015 – 06|2015 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Roskamm), lecture, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Concepts and critique of space production, 03|2015 – 06|2015 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Roskamm), seminar, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Thesis Seminar. Urban studies revisited, 10|2014 – 02|2015 (English, 3 ECTS, Knierbein/ Krasny/ Semlitsch), seminar, master/PhD, faculty AR, TU Wien, cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Urban culture and public space – Strategies and interventions of space production, 10|2014 – 02|2015 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Schwab/Viderman), lecture, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Concepts and critique of space production, 10|2014 – 02|2015 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/ Krasny/ Viderman), excursion “Urbanismo Afectico”, master, faculty AR, TU Wien, cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Erasmus teaching exchange: Urban Studies Revisited – Taking public space epistemology seriously, 10|2014 (English, Knierbein/ Palumbo/ Viderman), PhD/Master, cooperation with the Laboratoire Architecture Anthropologie, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette. Paris, France.

Karlsplatz Vienna revisited – Everyday tourism and policy innovation, 10|2014 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Harather/Knierbein/ Paese/ Tomaselli), impromptu design, master , faculty AR, in cooperation with the Urban Design Institute and the Institute of Art and Design, TU Wien.

Designing places of emancipation? (Focus: Spatial research, methods, and models), 08 & 09|2014 (English, 2 ECTS, Knierbein/Semlitsch/Viderman), exercise, master, International Special Course (Summer School), in cooperation with the Department of Local Spatial Planning, Faculty AR, TU Wien.

Designing places of emancipation? (Focus: Social Space and Diversity), 08 & 09|2014 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Semlitsch/Viderman), seminar, master, International Special Course (Summer School), in cooperation with the Department of Local Spatial Planning, Faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Concepts and critique of space production, 03|2014 – 06|2014 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Krasny/ Shields), seminar, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Strategies and interventions of space production, 03|2014 – 06|2014 (English, 4 ECTS, Knierbein/Shields), lecture, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Thesis Seminar. International Urban Studies Revisited, 10|2013 – 01|2012 (English, 3 ECTS, Hou/Knierbein), master/PhD, seminar, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – An introduction to urban studies, 10|2013 – 01|2014 (English, 6 ECTS, Hou/Knierbein/ Rodgarkia-Dara/ Viderman), project, bachelor, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Concepts and critique of space production, 03|2012 – 06|2012 (English, 3 ECTS, Kaika/ Knierbein), seminar, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Strategies and interventions of space production, 03|2012 – 06|2012 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Kaika/Knierbein), lecture, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Strategies and interventions of space production, 03|2012 – 06|2012 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Kaika/Knierbein), lecture-exercise, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban culture and public space – Concepts and critique of space production, 03|2012 – 06|2012 (English, 3 ECTS, Kaika/Knierbein), seminar, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Economic interests in public spaces and urban culture in Vienna and Budapest – Local corporate responsibility and social innovation?, 10|2011 – 01|2012 (English, 14 ECTS, Dobberstein/ Knierbein/ Watson), project, master, in cooperation with the Departments of Finance and Infrastructure and Urban and Regional Research, Faculty AR, TU Wien. Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary.

Thesis seminar. Contemporary urban theory, 10|2011 – 01|2012 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Knierbein/ Watson), master/PhD, seminar, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Theories of public space I – Actors, institutions and spatial dimensions, 03|2011 – 06|2011 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Knierbein), lecture, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Behind the scenes – How do places come into being?, 09|2010 – 01|2011 (English, 7 ECTS, Degros/ Madanipour/ Knierbein) Study project and special module,  Master, in cooperation with the Institute of Urban Design, Landscape Architecture and Design, the Department of Sociology and the Department of Urban and Regional Research, Faculty AR, TU Wien.

Thesis Seminar. International urban studies: Urban culture and public space, 09|2010 – 01|2011 (English, 3,5 ECTS, Degros/Madanipour/Knierbein), master/PhD, seminar, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Introduction to public space theories – Actors, institutions and spatial dimensions, 03|2010 – 06|2010 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Knierbein), lecture, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Project – The ORF Story. Spatial transformation, transplantation or reincarnation?, 10|2009 – 01|2010 (English, 7 ECTS, Sieverts/ Knierbein/ Krebs/ Tornaghi), project, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Urban development and renewal, 10|2009 – 01|2010 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Giffinger/ Haindl/ Knierbein/ Riedl), lectura, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

City branding and civil society – A controversial relationship? (Fokus: Kulturvergleichende Architekturbetrachtung), 10|2009 – 01|2010 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Banerjee/ Knierbein/ Rieger-Jandl), seminar, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

The city as workshop – Actors, institutions and urban development: Media and the city in Berlin and Cologne, 10|2009 – 01|2010 (English, 2 ECTS, Knierbein/ Krebs), excursion, master, faculty AR, TU Wien. Berlin and Cologne, Germany.

Innovation in spatial planning and spatial research, 10|2009 – 01|2010 (English, 2,5 SWS, Knierbein/ Krebs/ Sieverts/ Tornaghi), exercise, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Spatial implications of social change, 10|2009 – 01|2010 (English, 2,5 ECTS, Knierbein/ Sieverts/ Tornaghi) seminar, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

International Special Course: Urban culture and public space, 09|2009 (English, 3,5 ECTS, Hofstätter/ Gerlich/ Knierbein/ Scheuvens/ Wuschitz), seminar, master, faculty, AR, TU Wien.

Theories of Public Space I – Actors, Institutions, Spatial Dimensions, 03|2009 – 06|2009 (German, 2,5 ECTS, Knierbein) lecture, master, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Creative Processes in Spatial Research and Spatial Planning, 03|2009 – 06|2009 (German, 2,5 ECTS, Dangschat/Knierbein/Krebs/Scheuvens), exercise, master, cooperation with the Center of Local Planning and the Center of Sociology, faculty AR, TU Wien.

Art and Culture as Catalysts of Urban Development in Munich and Linz (Focus: Social-scientific aspects of spatial planning), 02|2009 (German, 2,0 ECTS, Frey/Knierbein/Sternath), excursion, master, faculty AR, TU Wien. Munich (DE) and Linz (AT), cooperation with the Center of Sociology.

Information. Communication. Attention! Exploring contemporary fields of urban research in Berlin, 09|2008 – 01|2009 (English, 3 ECTS, Knierbein), Postgraduate Seminar, Institute for European Urban Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus University Weimar. Weimar (Germany).

The post-industrial city: Urban governance and strategic areas, 09|2006 – 11|2006 (Spanish, 2 SWS – equivalent to 3 ECTS, Knierbein/ Tomadoni), Postgraduate seminar, Department of Geography,  Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), La Plata, Argentina.

Urban strategies in a post-industrial context, 09|2006 – 11|2006 (Spanish, 2 SWS – equivalent to 3 ECTS, Knierbein/ Tomadoni), Graduate seminar, Department of Geography, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba. Argentina.

Politics and public space in Berlin, 04|2006 – 07|2006 (English, 7 ECTS, Knierbein/ Welch Guerra), Graduate seminar, Master program Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Faculty of Design, Bauhaus University Weimar. Weimar and Berlin (Germany).

Student employment as a tutor to assist with teaching, 2002 – 2003 (German, Müggenburg/Thierer/Knierbein/Sondermann), Subject: Open space planning I, Faculty of Landscape Architecutre and Agrarian Sciences Hochschule Osnabrück. Osnabrück, Germany.