The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien ispleased to invite you to our International Guest Lecture held by Prof. Dr. Juliet Davis, Head of the Welsh School of Architecture at the University of Cardiff, Wales. As part of the seminar “Fieldwork and Research Ethics in Urban Studies“, Juliet Davis is going to present her recently published book “The Caring City: Ethics of Urban Design“ (Bristol University Press) on the 3rd May 2023 9.30am CET in the Seminar Room, Argentinierstraße 8 (Ground Floor, access from Paniglgasse), 1040 Vienna. The lecture is open to an interested, interdisciplinary public and will be held in English. We thereby seek to establish a prospective dialogue between two recent research efforts as regards cities and care, one more focused on architecture, urban design and care, the other one more centered in urban studies, urban planning and care.
The Caring City: Ethics of Urban Design Book (by Juliet Davies, Bristol University Press)
Care and the City Book (by Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein, Nir Cohen, Henrik Lebuhn, Kim Trogal, Tihomir Viderman and Tigran Haas, Routledge)