The urban studies project YOUTH seeks to create a comprehensive methodological framework for studying foundational disadvantages as part of youthhood within the context of social inequality and its intersection with social media. This framework aims to understand youthhood as a constructed reality with discursive, symbolic, and material dimensions, impacting the (non)digital access to urban public spaces and their (non)virtual representation. The project leans towards an action-research based pedagogy in collaboration with NGOs to include the voices of young people, especially in their use of digital and non-digital means to access public spaces.
Youth and youthhood is approached as a relational age category which varies according to the social, political and cultural context which is reflected also in the geopolitical scope of the urban contexts analysed spanning from protest public spaces in Tel Aviv, peripheral corner café and cultural resistance in the urbanized region of Belo Horizonte towards diverse sets of public spaces in Vienna, both central and more peripheral. The urban studies based research project YOUTH aimed at understanding youthhood as a relational age category, and a social reality including embodied, symbolic, and material dimensions, impacting the (non)digital access to urban public spaces and their (non)virtual representation.YOUTH is a research project of five higher education institutions – the PUC Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), the Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv (Israel) and the TU Wien, FH Campus Wien and FH Technikum Wien in Vienna(Austria), – which, together with associated NGOs, have embarked upon a collaborative journey through Vienna’s and other public spaces to develop a transdisciplinary and intersectional methodological framework to intersectionally analyse the intersection of multiple axes of inequalities and discrimination as regards the changes and challenges taking place around young people’s access to public space due to socio-technical innovations.
What we emphasize as ‘(non)digital access to public space’ has become part of multiple articulations of youthhood as it basically affects how young people spend their youthhood, informed by both digital ways to approach urban public space, yet also by more traditional and analogous forms: in fact young people do not distinguish any more between analogous and virtual access to public space, but their reality is vi-real, a fusion of both. Which type of (im)mobile everyday geographies of young people can be found when studying the multiple ways how streaming services, social media platforms and messenger services are combined by young people to gather in public space for myriads of reasons? In that sense, we analyse relational approaches to youthhood as embodied and democratic space and as a spatially practical sociomaterial ‘reality’ that is increasingly intertwined with the use of social media platforms and deeply affected by social inequality. We work with a framework to study social inequality in an intersectional way, thus combining the study of interferences of different axes of discrimination, exclusion and inequality.
Spring School 2024
The international YOUTH consortium organized a five-day Spring School (June 10th to June 14th), which aimed at international Masters and PhD students as well as early-stage researchers and practitioners working on young people’s (non)digital access to public space. The Spring School took place at the Interdisciplinary Center of Urban Culture and Public Space at the TU Wien, combining in-presence with blended forms of academic learning. The Spring School focused on the methodological, empirical, and theoretical deepening of the study of social inequality of young people’s (non)digital access to public space to engage with and participate in a trans-local and transdisciplinary exchange with international academic partners,NPOs and NGOs.
We understand the YOUTH Spring School as an educational format based on the principles of scientific co-production, in which consortium partners and civil society partners from different world regions, and international students co-produce new urban forms of knowledge relevant to young people, universities and wider society. This should focus on how the use of technologies impact the (un)equal access to and use of public space among youth.
Local Scientific Team
Sabine Knierbein Prof. Dr. phil. habil. , Richard Pfeifer MA, Alvie Augustin Bsc.

Funding Institution: Center for Technology & Society (CTS)
Funding Programme: Open Call for Projects
Main Issues:
How does digital mediatisation through social media, streaming platforms and messenger services affect young people’s engagement with urban public space, taking into account the influence of social inequalities, and how do young people use spatial strategies and digital tactics to disrupt or reshape social routines and representations in public space?

Project Partner:
TU Wien (AUT), Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Lead Partner
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (BRA), Institute of Human Sciences of PUC Minas
Bar-Ilan University, (ISR), Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Geography and Environment
FH Campus Wien (AUT), Bachelor Programme Social Work
FH Technikum Wien (AUT), Department Computer Science
Duration of the Project: 12 months
Start of the Project: December 1st 2023