Predrag Milić holds a master degree in Architecture from the University of Belgrade and a joint master degree in Urban Studies 4Cities. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space on the topic: THE SELF-PROVIDED CITY: On the importance of informal processes for the re-conceptualisation of the idea of public good on the urban periphery (working title).
THE SELF-PROVIDED CITY: On the importance of informal processes for the re-conceptualisation of the idea of public good on the urban periphery. (working title)
At the edge of Europe and as a part of the emerging urban territories of the West Balkan Region—on the outskirts of Belgrade—around 1.000.000 informal housing objects were being built in the past quarter of the century. Under the condition of the post-socialist transition of the city and in a total absence of state control, fuelled by the actualisation of individual needs through a self-provision of housing, a new irreversible urban condition emerged. Being developed exclusively through the incentives of the private interest, these areas lost their sense for public good and wellbeing almost completely. As one of these neighbourhoods—the ‘self-provided city’ of Ledine—foreign to any planning institute, urban development office or professional company, is present in the public discourse of the authorities only through the process of ‘legalisation’. Therefore, rather than perpetuating this legal-illegal dichotomy—ignorant to the life quality of these areas—this work is directed towards searching for and building up an alternative approach on how to deal with the life quality embodied by such developments. In the format of a participatory action research this work will try—both theoretically and practically—to challenge the policy makers in addressing the issue of legality of these areas. Deliberately immersed into the qualitative analysis of my own neighbourhood, my aim is to provide a substantive argumentation for a radically different approach for how to improve the living conditions of this and other similar areas throughout the region. Thus, with the quality of being initiated by a local resident of this area—meaning being both the subject and the object of the research—I hope this work will bring fresh insights to the policy makers and researchers while providing empowerment to my fellow citizens. And finally, the bottom line intention of this work is to trigger further research and policy development and thus support the re-interpretation of the public good and public wellbeing in Belgrade and the rest of the West Balkan Region.
Curriculum Vitae
born in Belgrade, Serbia.
since 09|2018 | PhD Candidate at Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SKuOR), TU WIEN. Working thesis title: THE SELF-PROVIDED CITY: On the importance of informal processes for the re-conceptualisation of the idea of public good on the urban periphery. |
09|2014 – 09|2016 | Erasmus Mundus master program 4Cities, UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies (Erasmus Mundus A-category scholarship) Thesis topic: “POLITICAL SPACE MATTERS: On the importance of urban spaces for the political engagement of ordinary citizens”. |
09|2010 – 07|2012 | Master program in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Thesis topic: “HUNGRY CITY: On the importance of food culture for the social change in the city”. Project: Sweet Water Organics CIVIC CENTER, Belgrade. |
since 2020 | Project coordinator Research Centre Škograd, Belgrade. |
since 2019 | Board member “Smarter Building Housing Cooperative”, Belgrade. |
since 2016 | Project coordinator “The Action Research Project Škograd”, Belgrade. |
2017 – 2018 | Project coordinator “A Smarter Building Model for Affordable Housing in Serbia – Who Builds The City”, Belgrade. |
2015 – 2016 | Co-founder “Association of Political Space Matters”, Berlin. |
2015 – 2016 | Project partner “Urban Action Network”, Berlin. |
2016 | Project partner “Christiania Political Realm Research” CRIR, Copenhagen. |
2013 – 2014 | Co-founder “The School of Urban Practices” Urban Incubator, Belgrade. |
2013 | Project partner “A Model for Savamala” Urban Incubator, Belgrade. |
2012 – 2013 | Teaching associate at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. |
Joksimović, J. Milić, P. Utvić, M. (2019). How we build ŠKOGRAD: Anatomy of the Infrastructure of Hope, Belgrade: Institute of Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and Goethe Institute.
Ateş, B. Milić, P. Sobral, L. (2019). Urban Trialog: Participatory Action Experiences from Ankara, Belgrade and São Paulo, Stuttgart: Städtebau Institut – International Urbanism.
Džokić, A. Neelen, M. Kuzmanić, J. Milić, P. (2019). Enterprises of Survival, Seoul: Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.
Džokić, A. Milić, P. Neelen, M. (2018). A novel model for affordable, cooperative housing in Serbia, Belgrade: Who Builds The City.
Joksimovic, J. Milić, P. Petrović, A. Utvić, M. (2018). Schoolcity – Rethinking the Agency of the Local School in the Urban Periphery, Alternative EERA Network: 05. Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education.
Hildebrandt, V. Milić, P. (2017).Polipnyx: A Forgotten Invisible City, Brussels: 4Cities September Salon.
Utvić, M. Ostojić, N. Simić, I. Petrović, O. Petrović, A. Joksimović, J. Milić, P. (2017). My Piece of the City: Škograd – Schoolcity, City Guerilla, Belgrade: Goethe Institute.
Hildebrandt, V. Milić, P. (2016). Political Space Matters, Belgrade: Self-publishing.
Hildebrandt, V. Milić, P. (2016) Making Cities: Visions for an Urban Future, Brussels: EUROCITIES.
Straus, M. Fyssa, A. Horvath, B. Milić, P. (2015). Philosophy of the urban?, Vienna: 4Cities.