Kim Trogal

Lecturer Architecture History & Theory, Canterbury School of Architetcure, University for the Creative Arts KTH & TU Wien Visiting Professor 2020

Kim completed her architectural studies at the University of Sheffield, including a PhD in Architecture (2012) for which she was awarded the RIBA LKE Ozolins Studentship. Kim was research assistant at the Sheffield School of Architecture (2012–2015), exploring issues of local social and ecological resilience, and Postdoctoral Researcher at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (2014–2016).  She is co-editor, with Doina Petrescu, of The Social (Re)Production of Architecture (Routledge, 2017), with Doina Petrescu, Irena Bauman and Ranald Lawrence of Architecture and Resilience: A series of interdisciplinary dialogues (Routledge 2018) and co-editor with Valeria Graziano of a special issue of the journal Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organisation, called ‘Repair Matters’ (2019).
Kim’s research covers the intersecting fields of feminist theory, ethics and politics in contemporary spatial practice. Her PhD investigated ‘feminist ethics of care’ in contemporary architectural practice, examining care in spatial practices in terms of their economies and labour; affect and motivation, as well as their forms of organization such as commons, mutual aid and networks. Her current collaborative research project on Repair, with critical management scholar and activist Dr. Valeria Graziano, shifts the focus to forms of care for objects in the context of rising consumer waste, and to examine the organizational politics and accompanying these newly emerging practices across Europe.
Selected Publications
Graziano, V. and Trogal, K. eds.(2019), ‘Repair Matters’. Special Issue of Ephemera. Theory and Politics in Organization vol.19 issue 2. May 2019.
Graziano, V. and Trogal, K. (2019) ‘Handling replacement: tending to a local library and repair centre’ in Krasny, E. & Fitz, A. eds. Handle with Care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet. MIT Press. Pp. 107-115
Trogal,K., Bauman, I., Lawrence, R. and D. Petrescu (2018) ‘Introduction: Architecture and Resilience on a Human Scale’ in Trogal,K., Bauman, I., Lawrence, R. and D. Petrescu eds., Architecture and Resilience. A series of Interdisciplinary Dialogues.  London: Routledge. Pp. 1-14.
Trogal, K. (2018) ‘Care and Subsistence Practice- Resilience as Interdependence’ in Trogal, K., Bauman, I., Lawrence, R. and D. Petrescu eds., Architecture and Resilience. A series of Interdisciplinary Dialogues.  London: Routledge. Pp. 190-203.
Ferreri, M. and Trogal, K. (2018) ‘“This is a Private, Public Park”: Encountering Architectures of Spectacle in London’s Olympic Park’. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 22(4). DOI:
Graziano, V and Trogal, K. (2017) ‘The Politics of Collective Repair: Examining Object-Relations in a Postwork Society’. Cultural Studies 37(5): 634-658. DOI:
Trogal, K. (2017) ‘Caring: Making Commons, Making Connections’ in Petrescu, D. and Trogal, K. (eds) The Social (Re)Production of Architecture. Politics, Values and Actions in Contemporary Practice London: Routledge. Pp. 159-174.
Petrescu, D. and Trogal, K. (2017) ‘The Social (Re)Production of Architecture in Crisis-Riddled Times’ in Petrescu, D. and Trogal, K. (eds) The Social (Re)Production of Architecture. Politics, Values and Actions in Contemporary Practice London: Routledge. Pp. 1-15.
Trogal, K. (2017) ‘Feminist pedagogies building new political communities’ in Schalk, M., Kristiansson, T. and Mazé, R. (eds.) Feminist Futures of Spatial Practice. Materialisms, Activisms, Dialogues, Pedagogies, Projections. Baunach: Spurbuchverlag AADR pp. 239-252.
Trogal, K. (2015)  ‘Care of Commons: An Alternative Economy and Ecology of Space’ in Odgers, J. Kite, S., McVicar, M. (eds.) Economy and Architecture, (London, Routledge): 49-58.