
Since its inception, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space has organized several special academic events. In addition to the summer schools European September Academy 2009 and Designing Places of Emancipation? 2014 which were attended by students from all around the world we are also hosting international scientific conferences like the European November Conference 2010 ‘Public space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: Politics and culture’, the international conference 2017 ‘Unsettled! Urban routines, temporalities and contestations’, or CARE – Cities. Action. Research. Education Conference taking place in November 2019.


In the format of smaller and very focussed symposia we have turned to a wide audience in Vienna: 2013 Symposium ‘Dialectics between urban imaginaries and urban materialities’, 2014 International January Symposium, 2015 PhD Symposium ‘Public Life – Towards a politics of care. Bodies. Place. Matter‘ and 2020 Webinar ,Power to Co-Produce’. Many of these events are visited by members of our international advisory board who come together at these occasions to discuss the current state of our research.


During the annual AESOP and AESOP YA conferences we organize various talks and sessions, act as keynote speakers and session moderators or introduce special conference topics. For us it is a very natural part of everyday academic activities to make our presence known in the increasingly interconnected European and international research landscape. Our research contributions in the fields of urban research, design and planning primarily deal with German, English, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking arenas of action. As an interdisciplinary institution embedded within the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at the TU Wien, we particularly aim at fostering an exchange with our colleagues from the cultural and social sciences as well as from the areas of policy, technology and planning research at other research institutions. Find a list of all our hosted lectures as well as the speeches members of our time have contributed at other institutions here.